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Road That Is Not Road and Open City Ritoque Chile
Ann Pendleton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

foreword by Joseph Rykwert Several thousand miles south of the equator along the Pacific coast of South America, is the site of the Open City Amereida. It is a laboratory for thought and work, conceived and... czytaj dalej

Art of the First Cities
J. Aruz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This handsomely illustrated book highlights one of the most important and creative periods in the history of art: a time marked by the appearance of the city states of the Sumerians, the citadel of Troy, the... czytaj dalej

T. Emin Wydawnictwo: inne

The intimate memoirs of one of the most acclaimed and controversial artists of her generation ... czytaj dalej

Transgression 4 Vols
C. Jenks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Transgression - a concept defined as conduct that breaks rules or exceeds boundaries - is a key idea for sociologists, anthropologists and cultural theorists, and is a major feature of postmodern thought. Providing... czytaj dalej

English Glass Chandelier
Mortimer Wydawnictwo:

The book is the first to deal comprehensively with this subject. The range covered extends from the first use ofglass for lighting in the late 17th century until towards the end of the19th century. It deals... czytaj dalej

Calamity of Realm
P. Jasienica Wydawnictwo: inne

The fourth volume of Pawel Jasienica's magnificent epos of Polish history, 'Calamity of the Realm,' covers part of the 17th century and deals with a multitude of wars with Muscovy, Sweden, the Tartars, Cossacks... czytaj dalej

Breast Health & Common Breast Disorders
P. Ganschow Wydawnictwo: inne

This title provides essential information allowing physicians to develop a more thorough and systematic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of breast disorders. ... czytaj dalej

Loretta Lux
Loretta Lux Wydawnictwo: inne

Though the sense of realism in German photographer Loretta Lux's striking portraits of children remains eerily intact, Lux does not strive to create faithful photographic representations of her young subjects... czytaj dalej

Extreme Photography
Hope Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Photography is about much more than putting the camera to the eye and pressing the shutter. Sometimes what is being recorded is impossible to approach in a convetional way, for a number of reasons: it's too... czytaj dalej

End of Celluloid
M. Hanson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A book that charts a journey across cinematic boundaries. Across filmed and imagined digital spaces, between the layers of fact and fiction from moving imagemakers redefining the rules of film. THE END OF CELLULOID... czytaj dalej