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Loretta Lux
Loretta Lux Wydawnictwo: inne

Though the sense of realism in German photographer Loretta Lux's striking portraits of children remains eerily intact, Lux does not strive to create faithful photographic representations of her young subjects... czytaj dalej

Extreme Photography
Hope Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Photography is about much more than putting the camera to the eye and pressing the shutter. Sometimes what is being recorded is impossible to approach in a convetional way, for a number of reasons: it's too... czytaj dalej

End of Celluloid
M. Hanson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A book that charts a journey across cinematic boundaries. Across filmed and imagined digital spaces, between the layers of fact and fiction from moving imagemakers redefining the rules of film. THE END OF CELLULOID... czytaj dalej

Swiss Constitutional Law
Thomas Fleiner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Switzerland is not only one of the oldest democracies in the world, but also an enduring model of peaceful multiethnic policy, characterized by a Constitution that is constant flux. The new Federal Constitution... czytaj dalej

New Europe in Changing Global System
Falk,Szentes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The varied impacts of the end of the Cold War on security and development prospects for Europe are examined in this volume. It considers a wide range of perspectives that include political, economic and cultural... czytaj dalej

Hair & Fashion
C. Cox Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hair and Fashion considers both the historical development of this relationship and its contemporary significance, focusing on key moments from the 1920s bob to the long-haired hippie look of the 1960s and... czytaj dalej

EC Merger Decisions Digest 3 vols
Michel Struys Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With company mergers an ever-present feature of daily business life in Europe and the wider world, it is essential that practitioners' legal, corporate and financial become familiar not only with the regulatory... czytaj dalej

Socialism Failed in the United States it Didn't Happen Here
Marks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why socialism has failed to play a significant role in the United States - the most developed capitalist industrial society and hence, ostensibly, fertile ground for socialism - has been a critical question... czytaj dalej

Norton Anthology of English Literature Restoration & the 18t
S. Greenblatt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A best-seller for more than forty years, this is the survey of English literature from the Middle Ages to the twenty-first century. With 274 authors, the Eighth Edition deepens its representation of essential... czytaj dalej