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Wielka Brytania 1918-1939 w świetle polskich źródeł dyplomatycznych
Krzysztof Kania Wydawnictwo:

Książka Krzysztofa Kani jest cennym uzupełnieniem naszej wiedzy o Wielkiej Brytanii latach 1918-1939 i roli tego państwa w polskiej polityce zagranicznej. z recenzji prof. zw. Mieczysława Wojciechowskiego Podjęty... czytaj dalej

Great Lies to Tell Small Kids
Riley Wydawnictwo: inne

Written by the author of the bestselling "Bunny Suicide" books, this title contains humour, ranging from merely bogus to truly cruel: 'Every ant you meet must be named'; 'It takes the beaks of seven... czytaj dalej

Literary Sociability and Literary Property in France 1775-93
G. Brown Wydawnictwo: inne

The first full-length, scholarly study of the Société des auteurs dramatiques (SAD), this book describes the form, the meaning, the achievements, and the failures of the first professional association for creative... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology 3 vols
Johnson Wydawnictwo: inne

The Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology contains over 400 articles covering such topics as heartburn, ulcers, gallstones, gastroesophageal reflux disease, colorectal cancer, hepatitis,and irritable bowel syndrome... czytaj dalej

Potter's Pathology of the Fetus Infant & Child 2 vols
Kapur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This full-colour, heavily illustrated text is a concise visual reference to fetal and infant pathology. It may be used as a complement to the major reference in the field, Potter's Fetal and Infant Pathology... czytaj dalej

De Moor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A novel set in 18th-century Naples. For one entire season, Carlotta sits in her candle-lit box, held in the spell of a world in which knowledge, beauty and love collide: music. She has fallen in love with the... czytaj dalej

Asthma 2e
P. Barnes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Considered by many to be THE text on asthma, this eagerly awaited revision is a comprehensive update of the previous edition retaining the popular readable style and manageable format of its predecessors. The... czytaj dalej

Cairo City Guide 2e
Andrew Humphreys Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From awe-inspiring pyramids and exquisite Islamic monuments to bustling bazaars and beguiling belly dancers, this lively guide will show you the heart and soul of Cairo. 27 maps, including 9 full-colour,... czytaj dalej

Abdominal Ultrasoud
Stocksley Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Abdominal Ultrasound gives the trainee and practising sonographer, radiologist or clinician a detailed and accessible guide to the techniques and diagnostic applications of ultrasound of this part of the body... czytaj dalej

Creuset Cookbook
D. Rathgeber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this cookbook, acclaimed French chef David Rathgeber uses Le Creuset cookware to demonstrate 56 delicious and traditional French recipes. The recipes in this book use Le Creuset, the world's leading manufacturer... czytaj dalej