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Power & Persuasion How to Command Success
M. Masterson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Over these many years of watching Michael devour books on leadership, ask probing questions of all manner of leaders, and write his daily insights, I see now where it has all led--to a magnificent new... czytaj dalej

Deutsche Bank & the Nazi Economic War Against the Jews
H. James Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Deutsche Bank, Germany's largest financial institution, played an important role in the expropriation of Jewish-owned enterprises during the Nazi dictatorship, both in the existing territories of Germany... czytaj dalej

Calculus e4
James Stewart Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The new edition calculus textbook has been thoroughly revised. It continues to embrace the best aspects of reform by combining the traditional theoretical aspects of calculus with creative teaching and learning... czytaj dalej

Feast for 10
Cathryn Falwell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A rhyming counting story about a family preparing a delicious feast, with bright collage illustrations. "The family-centered images throughout exude warmth." -Publishers Weekly.... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Pig Medicine
Jackson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Handbook of Pig Medicine" provides the knowledge needed to recognize, diagnose, treat and control pig diseases in practice. The book deals with medical, surgical and reproductive problems in pigs... czytaj dalej

Walking the Shadows
D. James Wydawnictwo: inne

His past was a lie - his present a mystery. There is a drowned village in the South of France called St Juste, a village where secrets were buried in the Second World War; a village swiftly coming back into... czytaj dalej

Night Before Christmas
White Wydawnictwo: inne

TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS is a magical, musical adaptation of the well-known nineteenth century rhyme of the same name. This heart-warming tale brings the magic of Christmas to life in a fantastically... czytaj dalej

H. Casson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The city of Cambridge, situated at the convergence of 'four roads and a sluggish river', can boast a magnificent variety of buildings, of every period, forming an incomparable man-made landscape. This enchanting... czytaj dalej

Romancing Honeymoon
K. Bulcroft Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Revealing that the honeymoon is more a product of a socially constructed view of romantic love than of the relationship of the individuals concerned, this book takes a multidisciplinary perspective, presenting... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Public Relations 2 vols
R. Heath Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Encyclopedia of Public Relations explores the evolution of the PR field, with examples from history describing events, changing practices, and the key figures who developed and expanded the profession.... czytaj dalej