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ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis v 1
Mitchell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Backed by the collective knowledge and expertise of the worlds leading Geographic Information Systems company, this volume presents the concepts and methods unleashing the full analytic power of GIS. ... czytaj dalej

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine CD-ROM
Braunwald Wydawnictwo: angielskie

HARRISON'S on CD-ROM broke new ground in its first release as physicians, researchers, and students around the world relied on it for instant access to the world's most trusted medical database. Offering exciting... czytaj dalej

Jupiter Myth
Lindsey Davis Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The fourteenth Falco novel is a tale of love, gangsters and female gladiators #8211; including one from Falco#8217;s own past. Falco and his family are staying in London when Falco is summoned to the scene... czytaj dalej

K. Sampson Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Kit Hannah is about to start University. He's funny, clever and popular, but he's harbouring a dark foreboding he dare not share with anyone. And it's with a heavy heart that he leaves home to begin a new life... czytaj dalej

Rule of Four
Caldwell Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Tom Sullivan is about to graduate from Princeton. He's intelligent and popular, but haunted by the violent death several years earlier of his father, an academic who devoted his life to studying one of the... czytaj dalej

Multiple Sclerosis As A Neuronal Disease
Waxman Wydawnictwo: inne

This book examines the role of neurons in multiple sclerosis (MS) and the changes that occur in neurons as a result of MS. It places MS in a new and important perspective that not only explains the basis for... czytaj dalej

Oxford Concise Companion to Theatre
Hartnoll Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Completely revised and up to date, this concise version of the 4th edition of "The Oxford Companion to the Theatre" is an accessible handbook for the theatre-goer or drama student.;In addition to... czytaj dalej

Genetics 4 Vols
Gibbon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Scientific developments have always been central to conceptions of society at particular historical moments. However, the rise of molecular biology and the new genetic knowledge in the twentieth century, pose... czytaj dalej

Elusive Justice
El Haj Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Elusive Justice addresses how educators think about and act upon differences in schools -be they based on race, gender, class, or disability - and how discourse and practice about such differences are intimately... czytaj dalej

Musculoskeletal Medicine & Surgery
J. Andrew,Ariane Herrick,David Marsh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is designed for new courses which have an integrated, systems based approach to orthopaedics and rheumatology. The text presents a fully integrated treatment of the essential core of knowledge in... czytaj dalej