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Ekstazja Podróże z Afrodytą
Krzyszfor Mroziewicz Wydawnictwo:

EKSTAZJA. Podróże z Afrodytą to ekskluzywne wydanie książki dwóch znanych autorów - dziennikarza Krzysztofa Mroziewicza i grafika Profesora Rosława Szaybo. Książka ta stanowi zbiór opowiadań i esejów dotykających... czytaj dalej

In Conflict & Order Understanding Society
D. Eitzen Wydawnictwo: inne

This introductory text, written from a conflict perspective, emphasizes four themes: diversity, the struggle to achieve social justice, economic and global transformations in the U.S., and a global perspective... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Forensic Science
J. Siegel Wydawnictwo: inne

Presents a look at the forensic sciences, emphasizing the biology, chemistry, and physical sciences that underpin forensic science. This book also covers the principles that are central to forensic science... czytaj dalej

Write Great Essays
P. Levin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A must for every student with essays to write! - How to deal with `academic-speakż and monster reading lists - How to choose and use an efficient reading and note-taking strategy - How to clarify awkward essay... czytaj dalej

Check Your Vocabulary for Marketing
Greasby Wydawnictwo: inne

This workbook provides material to learn English with marketing vocabulary. It contains 47 activities, including word games. puzzles and quizzes to help improve specialist English vocabulary. ... czytaj dalej

Something to Hold
Craven Wydawnictwo: inne

Something to Hold, a book about guardian angels and their ability to help anyone, even the most isolated people. Each one of us is attached to an angel who guides us and protects us from birth to death. These... czytaj dalej

Directing Web Traffic
P. Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Covering website promotion by designers for designers, this text shows how to use design effectively for the Internet. It looks at how design can create interest and awareness around a website, help attract... czytaj dalej

LANGE Flash Cards Pathology
Baron Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Excellent review tool for both the USMLE Step 1 and pathology course exams
Format allows students to easily compare and contrast diseases by their etiology, pathophysiology, clinical findings, and trea... czytaj dalej

Churchill Ford Walker's Sales Force Management
Johnston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The primary goal of this book is to offer students the most comprehensive, up-to-date and integrated overview of the theory, research and practices relevant to sales management. The latest edition continues... czytaj dalej

How We Live Wisdom of Body
S. Nuland Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Aims to help those of us whose familiarity with our own bodies is surprisingly sketchy. Where is your spleen and what does it do? What is the thyroid? Nuland answers such questions as these, explaining the... czytaj dalej