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If You're Not Here Please Raise Youre Hand
Kalli Dakos Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Thirty-eight poems on the subject of school, both funny and serious, speak to the fears, joys and hearts of children. "Humorous and poignant."-School Library Journal.... czytaj dalej

Martin Parr
Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive mid-career retrospective of the work of well-known Magnum photographer Martin Parr, including previously unpublished early work. This major retrospective is the first time that the whole of... czytaj dalej

In My Brother's Shadow
U. Timm Wydawnictwo: inne

Although Uwe Timm, born in 1940, always had his big brother held up to him as a fine example, his only real memory of Karl-Heinz, sixteen years his senior, was a game of hide-and-seek that they played a few... czytaj dalej

Dragon Sword 5
R. Soesbee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Released from Maddoc's spell, Asvoria must reclaim her magic sword, but Davyn and his friends must locate the sword first to stop Asvoria and free Nearra. ... czytaj dalej

Literary Masterpieces vol.1 The Great Gatsby
R. Lathbury Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature puts authors... czytaj dalej

Alliance of Women
H. Merrill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work is an innovative exploration of urban Italian politics, immigration, and European identity. In the 1980s, Italy transformed from a country of emigration to one of immigration. Italians are now faced... czytaj dalej

D. Nelson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Humans automatically categorize others in social perception. Some categorizations ­ race, gender, and age -- are so automatic that they are termed "primitive categories." As we categorize, we develop... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Jamaica 1e
Hannie Smit,Theo Smit Wydawnictwo: angielskie

31 dive sites around Jamaica, including Negril, Montego Bay, Runaway Bay, Ocho Rios, Port Antonio, Port Royal/Kingston. Dive highlights: Montego Bay Marine Park, the Reggae Queen wreck.... czytaj dalej

Sicily TSK 3e
P. Hardy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dive into Sicily?s seductive melting pot and discover a land of extremes: breathtaking mountains and active volcanoes, pristine beaches and ancient temples, Moorish cities and sleek resorts. A whole country... czytaj dalej

World Islands In Prehistory
W. Waldren Wydawnictwo: inne

These 50 papers form the fifth in the series of thematic Deia (Majorca) International conferences of Prehistory, dedicated to bringing Balearic Prehistoric investigation and research out of insular and regional... czytaj dalej