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Twelve Dancing Princesses
Miles Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Princess Jessamine loves to dance. Every night, when the rest of the castle has gone to bed, she and her sisters descend a hidden staircase to an enchanted kingdom where they dance through the night--and right... czytaj dalej

Eddie Dickens Trilogy #02 Dreadful Acts
P. Ardaqh Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In his second adventure, the real problems start when Eddie bumps into a gang of escaped convicts. There's the getting thrown in jail incident, not to mention the crazed chase scene. Goodness, it seems like... czytaj dalej

Jacob's Rescue a Holocaust Story
M. Drucker Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Once Jacob Gutgeld lived with his family in a beautiful house in Warsaw, Poland. He went to school and played hide-and-seek in the woods with his friends. But everything changed the day the Nazi soldiers invaded... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Variable Income Annuities
Dellinger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In-depth coverage of variable income annuities With trillions of dollars in retirement savings assets, the tens of millions of Americans on the precipice of retirement need to convert these savings into retirement... czytaj dalej

$800 Million Pill The Truth behind the Cost of New Drugs
M. Goozner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why do life-saving prescription drugs cost so much? Drug companies insist that prices reflect the millions they invest in research and development. In this gripping exposé, Merrill Goozner contends that American... czytaj dalej

T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The final title in the magnificent fantasy trilogy, The Bromeliad ... czytaj dalej

Flower of My Secret
Pedro Almodovar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Flower of My Secret is a deeply moving portrait of a woman who is brought to the abyss of her own loneliness and despair. Leo, a writer of popular romantic fiction, is forced to remove the rose-tinted spectacles... czytaj dalej

Buddy First Seeing Eye Dog The (level 4)
E. Moore Wydawnictwo: brak danych

True account of the training and early work experiences of the German shepherd which became the first seeing eye dog in America.... czytaj dalej

Johnny Appleseed
S. Kellogg Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The story of John Chapman, who in 1700 left his home in Massachusetts to travel across the United States planting apple seeds. Paint and pen-and-ink illustrations accompany this retelling of a true legend.... czytaj dalej

Flight #116 Is Down!
C. Cooney Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The noted suspense and thriller writer tells the story of a young girl caught in a terrifying and unforgettable drama, working with others to save the victims of a plane crash. "Be prepared for swarms... czytaj dalej