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Elegy for Departure
Z. Herbert Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Zbigniew Herbert's death last summer prevented him from taking his place alongside fellow Poles Czeslaw Milosz and Wislawa Symborska in the lists of Nobel laureates. The release of ELEGY FOR THE DEPARTURE AND... czytaj dalej

McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
D. McQuail Wydawnictwo: angielskie

OVER 80,000 COPIES SOLD! The Fifth Edition of this bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive, non-technical introduction to the range of approaches to understanding mass communication. Fully revised... czytaj dalej

Cases in Entrepreneurship
Morse Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Ivey Casebooks Series is a co-publishing partnership between SAGE Publications and the Richard Ivey School of Business at The University of Western Ontario. Due to their popularity in over 60 countries... czytaj dalej

Global Management
Mark Mendenhall Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Global Management is the new international management text for undergraduates, covering both strategy and the human resource function in a global context. Written by an authoritative author team, it features:... czytaj dalej

NATO & Eastern Europe After 2000 Strategic Interactions with
L. Paquette Wydawnictwo: angielskie

NATO is acutely aware of its increased status as a force for stability in a drastically altered Atlantic community. The number of its initiatives is on the increase just as a new political, economic and military... czytaj dalej

Standards for Cellular Therapy Product Services
Szczepiorski Wydawnictwo: inne

In 2002, the AABB Board of Directors created a standards program unit specifically charged with drafting a set of ¨Standards to encompass all areas of cellular therapy, including HPC, cord blood, and somatic... czytaj dalej

Outdoor Decorating & Style Guide
Greer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Your home doesn't have to stop at its four walls - not if you don't want it to. With a little creative decorating, you can extend your living space beyond the house, creating special outdoor spaces that combine... czytaj dalej

Rural Studio
Andrea Dean,Timothy Hursley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For almost ten years, Samuel Mockbee, a recent MacArthur Grant recipient, and his architecture students at Auburn University have been designing and building striking houses and community buildings for impoverished... czytaj dalej

Schools for Cities Urban Strategies
S. Haar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Contains essays and current projects to demonstrate ways in which schools can serve as institutions that contribute to a vital civic life. Since the late 1990s, the National Endowment for the Arts, under the... czytaj dalej

Microwave Differential Circuit Design
R. Stengel Wydawnictwo: inne

New, powerful mixed-mode scattering parameter techniques are earning rave reviews among wireless and microwave engineers, because they have proved to be highly effective design tools for optimizing the performance... czytaj dalej