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Revision Express English Language & Literature
Gardiner Wydawnictwo: inne

Revision Express A-level Study Guides - covering AS and A2 material in one book. A new approach to exam success, making your revision fast and effective.What A-level Examiners say about Revision Express Study... czytaj dalej

Researching Information Systems and Computing
B. Oates Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With everything readers need to know about how to execute their research project, this book is written specifically for information systems (IS) and computing students. It introduces key quantitative and... czytaj dalej

Everything I Need to Know About Teaching
S. Jarvis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Everything I Need To Know About Teaching...They Forgot To Tell Me!" helps the new teacher to survive the first year of teaching and wind up happy, wiser and still sane! Can I teach the way I believe... czytaj dalej

Siren Song
R. Kidd Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Before the Black Pearl, there was a teenage stowaway named Jack Sparrow... Captain Jack Sparrow#8217;s ship, the Barnacle, and its up-till-now unshakable crew have suddenly fallen under a sinister spell. While... czytaj dalej

HIV/AIDS Nursing Secrets
J. Shaw Wydawnictwo: angielskie

HIV/AIDS Nursing Secrets is a comprehensive look at one of the leading health problems of our times. The question and answer format helps to clarify information that is necessary for anyone involved in the... czytaj dalej

Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics IV
M. Arnould Wydawnictwo: inne

This work covers developments of stellar structure and evolution, cosmology, and nuclear reactions in astrophysics experiments in an attempt to synthesize super-heavy elements at Dubna and GSI. It also covers... czytaj dalej

3G CDMA2000 Wireless System Engineering
Yang Wydawnictwo: inne

Breaking down complex technology into easy-to-understand concepts, this hands-on, system-level resource offers expert guidance in designing, optimizing, and managing a CDMA2000 wireless network. The book focuses... czytaj dalej

Cubase Sx/Sl 3 Power
R. Guerin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Get ready to dive into Cubase SX or SL 3! This book provides a thorough look at the most common as well as lesser-known features of this impressive digital audio production software. Beyond describing the features... czytaj dalej

O. Ojeda Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Rockport's Architecture in Detail series examines the role of details in contemporary architecture through the work of many emerging and established practitioners whose projects speak sensitively and energetically... czytaj dalej

Cycling Italy 1e
Gelber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A land of majestic alpine peaks, vast lakes and brilliant coasts, Italy is best seen on two wheels. Whether you're a novice or a hardened pro this guide belongs in your panniers. 103 days of Italy's best... czytaj dalej