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Verlorene Kunst des Heilens CD-ROM
Lown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nie zuvor konnte die Medizin so viel Gutes tun wie heute - und nie zuvor waren so viele Patienten unzufrieden mit den Medizinern. Denn vielen Ärzten ist die Kunst des Heilens abhanden gekommen, die sehr viel... czytaj dalej

Immunology of Pregnancy
U. Markert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Pregnancy is a unique symbiotic union between mother and fetus which contradicts many of the general rules of immunology. The maternal immune system reacts towards the foreign tissue, but instead of triggering... czytaj dalej

Transcranial Brain Stimulation for Treatment
M. Marcolin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was introduced in the mid 1980s in clinical neurophysiology to study the central motor pathways. Research has been exponentially increased since, and many different methods... czytaj dalej

Biotechnology In the Welfare Of Mankind v 1
I. Ali Khan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Biotechnology has affected all the major domains of human activity and welfare ranging from agriculture to medicine and environment. It has developed into an important force in the creation of employment, production... czytaj dalej

Jong's Community Dental Health
Gluck,Morganstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Community Dental Health provides a practical look at the role of the dental public health care professional in the evolving socially conscious health field. Organized to follow the objectives of dental hygiene... czytaj dalej

Aerodynamics & Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels
Caserta Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text deals with the principles, analysis/validation and design, testing and commissioning of the engineering elements associated with the aerodynamics and ventilation of both road and rail tunnels. ... czytaj dalej

IT Ethics Handbook Right & Wrong for IT Professionals
Nortcutt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The target audience for this book is any IT professional responsible for designing, configuring, deploying or managing information systems. This audience understands that the purpose of ethics in information... czytaj dalej

Developmental Psychopathology
Ch Wenar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Accessible and clearly written, Developmental Psychopathology encourages students to żthink developmentallyż about psychopathology as it develops from childhood through adolescence, under the assumption that... czytaj dalej

Harrison's Manual of Medicine 16e
Kasper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The authority of Harrison#8217; s at the point of care! Covering the full scope of internal medicine, the new edition of this #8220; mini-textbook#8221; is thoroughly revised to reflect new content areas and... czytaj dalej

Designing Outdoor Environments for Children
L. Tai Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This unique resource expertly details the design, installation, and maintenance of sustainable children's landscapes and play areas Numerous case studies cover projects including storybook courtyards, music... czytaj dalej