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Hidden City book three of THE TAMULI
D. Eddings Wydawnictwo: inne

WAR TO THE DEATHThe Pandion Knight Sparhawk had bested the massed forces of the God Cyrgon upon the field of battle. But victory turned to ashes when the foul God's minions kidnapped Sparhawk's wife, the beautiful... czytaj dalej

Master Builders
P. Blake Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The story of modern architecture is told here through the lives and works of three men who changed the face of the cities we live in: France's Le Corbusier, Germany's Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and America's... czytaj dalej

Out of Gas The End of the Age of Oil
D. Goodstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Science tells us that an oil crisis is inevitable. Why and when? And what will our future look like without our favourite fuel? Our rate of oil discovery has reached its peak and will never be exceeded; rather... czytaj dalej

Tumor Immunology
G. Parmiani Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recent advances in basic immunology and molecular biology have resulted in new immunologically based therapeutic approaches being generated and implemented in cancer clinics. The discovery of new antigens,... czytaj dalej

Ripley's Believe It or Not #6 Bizarre Bugs
Packard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This series is packed with wild, wacky, creepy, and bizarre facts. Readers can test their knowledge with quizzes and "Brain Busters."... czytaj dalej

Magic School Bus #18 The Fishy Field Trip
Schwabacher Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Oops! The class project on coral reefs has fallen into the aquarium. What will the Friz do? Take a trip to see the real thing of course! Your child will hop on the bus and join the class on a trip to the Great... czytaj dalej

Graigner & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology
J. Cockburn Wydawnictwo: inne

The structure of the 3rd edition should be a refinement of the model adopted for the 1st and 2nd editions on the basis that no fundamental change in the requirements of its core readership will occur in the... czytaj dalej

Managing Technological Innovation
J. Ettlie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Change is inevitable, and at the heart of change in today's workplace is technological innovation. And until now, there has been a serious dearth of good books on how to manage technological change! Organized... czytaj dalej

Culture.Com Building Corporate Culture in the Connected Wor
P. Neuhauser Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The emerging .com revolution is creating the biggest shift in the way the world works since the Industrial Revolution. But the change is occurring with such speed that it is very difficult to absorb. While... czytaj dalej

Biochemical Thermodynamics
R. Alberty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Navigate the complexities of biochemical thermodynamics with MathematicaŽ Chemical reactions are studied under the constraints of constant temperature and constant pressure; biochemical reactions are studied... czytaj dalej