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Birth Crisis
K. Kitzinger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One new mother in twenty is diagnosed with traumatic stress after childbirth. In Birth Crisis Sheila Kitzinger explores the disempowerment and anxiety experienced by these women. Key topics discussed include:... czytaj dalej

Coming China Wars
Navarro Wydawnictwo: angielskie

China is now the "factory floor" for global production. It sells to the world at the competition-crushing "China Price" and we as consumers benefit greatly. Unfortunately for the world,... czytaj dalej

Small Animal Surgery
T. Fossum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The third edition of this classic textbook covers basic procedures such as spays, castrations, and declaws, as well as more advanced surgeries that might be referred to specialists such as craniotomy, ventral... czytaj dalej

Barrons Pocket Factbook Astronomy
M. Flynn Wydawnictwo:

Is there life outside the Earth? What is a black hole? What was the weight of the Apollo spacecraft? This compact guide presents essential facts about the solar system, galaxies in deep space, manned space... czytaj dalej

Cell Culture and Upstream Processing
M. Butler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Upstream processing refers to the production of proteins by cells genetically engineered to contain the human gene which will express the protein of interest. The demand for large quantities of specific proteins is... czytaj dalej

Jewish World 365 Days
Y. Zalmona Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The breadth of images displayed in this book offers a revealing, varied, and at times surprising look at the Jewish World. Some of the objects that can be discovered in this accessible volume include a circumcision... czytaj dalej

Operator Theory Operator Algebras & Applications
D. Han Wydawnictwo: inne

This book offers a presentation of some new trends in operator theory and operator algebras, with a view to their applications. It consists of separate papers written by some of the leading practitioners in... czytaj dalej

Multiple Exposure
Zaya Wydawnictwo: inne

Selected work of the internationally acclaimed young Southafrican artist, Candice Breitz exhibited at the MUSAC from January 20th to May 2nd, 2007. This publication highlights Breitzs contributions to the... czytaj dalej

Waldemar Jańca, Jolanta Krupińska Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL

Książka, poza wiadomościami ogólnymi m.in. z farmakologii, farmakokinetyki, farmakogenetyki, chronofarmakologii, zawiera szczegółowe opracowanie farmakodynamiki leków w powiązaniu z opisem patogenezy procesów... czytaj dalej

Felix&Theo Wydawnictwo: Langenscheidt

Teksty do nauki języka niemieckiego... czytaj dalej