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Great War An Imperial History
J. Morrow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Great War is a landmark new history that firmly places the First World War in the context of imperialism. Set to overturn conventional accounts of what happened during this, the first truly international... czytaj dalej

Strategic Operations Management
R. Lowson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This indispensable text offers students a high quality treatment of strategic operations management. It provides the reader with a clear understanding of the importance and nature of operations strategy by... czytaj dalej

Architecture of the Renaissance v 2
L. Benevolo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Topics in this second volume of 'Architecture of the Renaissance' include: the crisis of sensibility; the grand siecle; court classicism and bourgeois classicism in the growth of the modern city; and 1750 - the turning-point.... czytaj dalej

Game of Two Halves
Cornel Sandvoss Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Professional football is one of the most popular television 'genres' worldwide, attracting the support of millions of fans, and the sponsorship of powerful companies. In A Game of Two Halves, Sandvoss considers... czytaj dalej

Year That Defined American Journalism
J. Campbell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Year that Defined American Journalism explores the succession of remarkable and decisive moments in American journalism during 1897--a year of significant transition that helped redefine the profession... czytaj dalej

Incredible Inventions
Nick Griffiths Wydawnictwo: brak danych

These inventors have inspired a wealth of new inventions, some essential and some that are just plain silly. From the wheel to virtual reality systems, Incredible Inventions checks out a crucial collection... czytaj dalej

Barn Dance
Bill Martin Jr,John Archambault Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Who could possibly be having a barn dance in the middle of the night? Bathed in the light of a full moon, a young boy follows the sound of a country fiddler and the rhythmic thumping of dancing feet to find... czytaj dalej

Abraham's Battle
Sara Banks Harrell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A free black man and ex-slave, Abraham Small meets, by chance, a white Confederate soldier, a poor boy who has never known a slave and barely understands the cause he is fighting for. When their paths cross... czytaj dalej

Legend of the Wandering King
Laura Garcia Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Inspired by the true story of a real prince of pre-Islamic Arabia: Prince Walid ordered a man to create an impossible work of art. After the man died weaving it, Walid discovered his life's quest: to recover... czytaj dalej

Vascular-Targeted Therapies in Oncology
Siemann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Vascular-Targeted Therapies in Oncology provides an interesting insight to the current status and future potential of vascular-disrupting approaches in cancer management. Emphasis is placed on target development... czytaj dalej