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Magnetic Resonance in Diagnosis of CNS Disorders
Antunovic Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The use of MRI has revolutionized the treatment of patients with central nervous system disorders, affecting everything from initial diagnosis to effective follow-up care. In this book, the authors present... czytaj dalej

Ultrasound Diagnosis of Fetal Anomalies
Entezami Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recent advances in ultrasound technology have dramatically advanced prenatal care, and its use is now standard. Medical professionals today can accurately detect fetal structural irregularities, and as a result... czytaj dalej

Biological & Chemical Terrorism
R. Weinstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Would you recognize the signs of a biological or chemical weapon attack?Would you know how to diagnose and treat your patients?Would you know how to protect your staff and yourself in doing so?For answers... czytaj dalej

Modern Biopharmaceuticals 4 vols
Knablein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The biopharmaceutical market has come along way since 1982 when the first biopharmaceutical product, recombinant human insulin, was launched. Over 120 such products are currently being marketed around the world... czytaj dalej

Symmetry Perspective
M. Golubitsky Wydawnictwo: inne

Pattern formation in physical systems is one of the major research frontiers of mathematics. A central theme of this book is that many instances of pattern formation can be understood within a single framework:... czytaj dalej

Gemeinsame Entscheidung in der Krebstherapie
H. Bartsch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Die Krebsdiagnose verandert ein Leben von heute auf morgen. Das Gefuhl der existentiellen Bedrohung und die Hoffnung auf Heilung sind verbunden mit der Angst vor belastenden Therapien mit ungewissem Ausgang... czytaj dalej

Perinatal Stress Mood & Anxiety Disorders
A. Riecher-Rossler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mood and anxiety disorders are very common during the perinatal period, with severe consequences not only for the mother but also for the child and the whole family. Recent research has shown how maternal stress... czytaj dalej

Pediatric Nephrology
H. Trachtman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The entire range of renal diseases and disorders in children, from simple clinical problems and important glomerular diseases through to tubular disorders and the management of end-stage renal disease is reviewed... czytaj dalej

Sonography Obstetrics & Gynecology
Fleisher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Here is definitive coverage of the latest techniques and diagnostic guidelines for use of sonography in ob/gyn, including transvaginal sonography, color Doppler sonography, and 3-D image processing. More... czytaj dalej

Advances in Physcial Organic Chemistry v.35
Thomas Tidwell Wydawnictwo: inne

Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry provides the chemical community with authoritative and critical assessments of the many aspects of physical organic chemistry. The field is a fast developing one, with... czytaj dalej