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Gene-Enviromnent Interactions
L. Costa Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Understanding the play between heredity and environment, and relating it to disease causation, is the task of ecogenetics. Gene-Environment Interactions: Fundamentals of Ecogenetics presents the first comprehensive... czytaj dalej

Tooth Is Loose
L. Trumbauer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Rookie Reader titles feature full-color illustrations and engaging stories that always involve a young child figuring out concepts or solving problems on his or her own. Great for guided reading.... czytaj dalej

Economic Dynamics Phase Diagrams & Their Economic Applicatio
R. Shone Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the substantially revised and restructured second edition of Ron Shone's successful advanced textbook Economic Dynamics. The book provides detailed coverage of dynamics and phase diagrams, including:... czytaj dalej

Blackwell Companion to Social Inequalities
Romero Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Blackwell Companion to Social Inequalities is a first-rate collection of social science scholarship on inequalities, emphasizing race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, age, and nationality. Highlights... czytaj dalej

Words Fail Me
T. Monachino Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This lively and informative new title was originally inspired by the author's Italian mother and her struggles with the vagaries of the English language. Over the years the author has tried to correct her attempts... czytaj dalej

Sports Mechanics for Coaches
G. Carr Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gerry Carr explains the mechanical concepts underlying performance techniques and shows readers how to observe, analyse and correct sport techinque for better performance. The book includes topics such as how... czytaj dalej

Usborne Internet-Linked Atlas of Dinosaurs
S. Davidson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This superb new atlas takes a fresh and exciting look at the amazing world of dinosaurs. With detailed maps and superb illustrations, it shows which dinosaurs lived in different parts of the world. Readers... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Planet Earth
A. Claybourne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Packed with stunning photographs and fascinating facts, this book covers core subjects such as rocks and minerals, weather and climate and modern concerns about the environment. It also features an exploration... czytaj dalej

Contemporary Security Management
J. Fay Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Contemporary Security Management is hands-down the most comprehensive and up-to-date security management book available. It serves as an indispensable working tool for students and security professionals at... czytaj dalej

Social Cognition
M. Augoustinos Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With a new structure, the second edition of this critically acclaimed textbook represents a much more 'integrated' and pedagogically developed account of its predecessor. The authors examine the different theoretical... czytaj dalej