French Bed & Breakfast

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What's special about staying in French B&Bs ('chambres d'hôtes')? The conversations you can have, the unexpected encounters you can make. The people in this guide come from all walks of life ­ aristocrats and artisans, painters and 'paysans', teachers, writers, retired globetrotters: so there are real opportunities for enriching exchange. Some readers have formed enduring friendships with owners or other guests - we like the tale of a couple who sailed their yacht from Australia to visit Paris and stayed with a true Parisienne. And although most of our owners are simply down-to-earth, friendly individuals living in reliably French houses, they all have a touch of originality, are passionate about their area and want you to discover its hidden treasures.

Informacje dodatkowe o French Bed & Breakfast:

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Podróżnicze
ISBN: 978-1-901-97048-7
Liczba stron: 0


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