Miss Amgel

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One of the most successful women artists in history, Angelica Kauffman became the toast of Georgian England, captivating society with her portraits, mythological scenes, and decorative compositions. She knew and painted poets, novelists and playwrights, collaborating with them and illustrating their work; her designs adorned the houses of the Grand Tourists she had met in Italy; actors, statesmen, philosophers, kings and queen sat to her; and she was the force that launched a thousand engravings. Despite rumors of relationships with other artists and an apparently bigamous and annulled first marriage to a pseudo Count, Kauffman was adopted by royalty in England and abroad as a model of social and artistic decorum. Kauffman's life and work is full of apparent contradictions explored in this first biography in over 80 years.

Informacje dodatkowe o Miss Amgel:

Wydawnictwo: angielskie
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
ISBN: 978-1-84413-758-9
Liczba stron: 0


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Recenzje miesiąca
Księga zaklęć
Agnieszka Rautman-Szczepańska
Księga zaklęć
Joanna Jagiełło
Strach ze strychu
Radek Jakubiak
Strach ze strychu
Draka na Antypodach
Katarzyna Ryrych ;
Draka na Antypodach
Stajnia pod Lipami
Magdalena Zarębska ;
Stajnia pod Lipami
Nawiedzone kolonie
Rafał Witek
Nawiedzone kolonie
Nigdy za ciebie nie wyjdę
Magdalena Krauze
Nigdy za ciebie nie wyjdę
Anna Skowrońska
Dolina szpiegów
Robert Michniewicz
Dolina szpiegów
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