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Principles of Medical Biochemistry
Simmons Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is to-the-point medical student principles of biochemistry book that all health professional students can use. It is clinical oriented with new information of molecular biology and new content in medical... czytaj dalej

Painting & Patronage in Cologne 1300 1500
Brigitte Corley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Doing for Germany what was long ago done for Italy and the Netherlands, this impressive volume presents a coherent survey of the sizable body of painting produced in late medieval Cologne. Employing the painstaking... czytaj dalej

French Hotels, Special Spaces to stay
A. Sawday Wydawnictwo: inne

These special places are for the butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker, but not for the mini-bar seeker. The book is for those who appreciate the nonconformist efforts of our owners who have refused to... czytaj dalej

Cerebral MR Perfusion Imaging + CD-ROM
A. Sorensen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This publication covers the subject of cerebral MR perfusion imaging, from the basic principles to present clinical applications such as: all relevant technical aspects; current contrast agents; imaging protocols;... czytaj dalej

Shall we Tell President
J. Archer Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

As President Florentyna Kane tries to push her tough gun-control bill through Congress, Special Agent Mark Andrews is charged with finding out which senator is involved in an assassination plot that has already... czytaj dalej

As Crow Flies
Jeffrey Archer Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Charlie Trumper inherits his grandfather's fruit and vegetable barrel and an empire is born. Not even World War I can stop Charlie from building a successful chain of department stores. ... czytaj dalej

Grass Crown
Colleen McCullough Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Ambitious, tormented Lucius Cornelius Sulla, once Marius's right-hand man, withdraws from his commander's circle to prepare his own bid for power. Marius is determined not to relinquish his control over the... czytaj dalej

Learning Practices Assessmant & Action
A. DiBella Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Organizational Development, Change Management, Organizational Learning, Organizational Assessment. Part of the Organizational Development Series.Unlike other texts on the subject-that tend to... czytaj dalej

Signage & Wayfinding Design
Calori Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Essential Resource for Creating Effective Signage and Wayfinding Projects Signage and Wayfinding Design is an essential reference for design professionals who must communicate meaningful information in... czytaj dalej

Shadow Garden
A. Matthews Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Matty Brand can see the spirits of the dead, and when she moves to Tagram House with her mother, her psychic powers reveal that two murdered children haunt the house. Matty realises that she must untangle the... czytaj dalej