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Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law 7ed
Peter Malanczuk Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First published in 1970, A Modern Introduction to International Law rapidly established itself as the most widely used and successful textbook in its field. It covers a variety of topics from diplomatic immunity... czytaj dalej

Baja California TSK 5e
A. Schulte-Peevers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Just west of the Mexican mainland and south of the US border lies the Baja Peninsula - land of lovely beaches, remote deserts and crystalline waters. Whether you want to view ancient Indian rock art, surf off... czytaj dalej

French Bed & Breakfast
Carey Wydawnictwo: inne

What's special about staying in French BBs ('chambres d'hôtes')? The conversations you can have, the unexpected encounters you can make. The people in this guide come from all walks of life ­ aristocrats and... czytaj dalej

Montaigne Essais 3
M. Montaigne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Lecteur, je suis moi-męme la matičre de mon livre" : c'est ce surprenant aveu de subjectivité qui ouvre l'un des textes les plus modernes de la littérature française, quoique l'un des plus anciens... czytaj dalej

Moliere Wydawnictwo: angielskie

De conception traditionnelle, cette collection a le mérite d'aborder l'ouvre intégrale sous des angles diversifiés. Outre le résumé détaillé des différentes parties et les commentaires composés qui le completent... czytaj dalej

Graphiscape New York
I. Vartanian Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Graphiscape: New York and its accompanying volume Graphiscape: Tokyo represent the creative lifeblood of the cities as seen through their graphics. Graffiti, posters, neon lighting, street art, colour schemes... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Human Anatomy 2 vols
P. Kopf-Maier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Wolf-Heideggers Atlas of Human Anatomy, revised, updated and modernized completely by Prof. Dr. med. Petra Köpf-Maier, appears new in two volumes. This 5th edition of this classic of anatomy is the result of... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Crime & Punishment 4 vols
D. Levinson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Winner of Reference USA, Booklist Editor's Choice and CHOICE 2002 Outstanding Academic Title awards! `The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment provides the much-needed practices, policies, and research and... czytaj dalej

Midnight in Garden of Good & Evil
John Berendt Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

'The best non-fiction novel since In Cold Blood and a lot moreentertaining.' -- Edmund White'Berendt - and the reader - are in travel-writer heaven... This is a book whichleaves you amused, spooked and introduced... czytaj dalej

Corelli's Mandolin
Louis De Bernieres Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dr. Iannis and his daughter, Pelagia, live on the idyllic Greek island of Cephallonia in the years before World War II. Pelagia falls in love with Mandras, a fisherman, but when Italy attacks Greece in 1940... czytaj dalej