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Słowo honoru
DeMille Nelson Wydawnictwo:

Trzymająca w napięciu opowieść o lojalności i poczuciu obowiązku, o konflikcie między przyzwoitością, humanitaryzmem i posłuszeństwem wobec przełożonych. To także opowieść o wojnie, jej okrucieństwie i bezsensowności... czytaj dalej

Testowanie systemów obiektowych
Binder Robert V. Wydawnictwo:

Jest to podręcznik z dziedziny inżynierii oprogramowania, zajmującej się tworzeniem poprawnych systemów informatycznych. Bardzo ważnym etapem tego procesu jest testowanie systemu na różnych poziomach abstrakcji... czytaj dalej

Policing & War in Europe
L. Knafla Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume seeks to mark a departure in criminal justice history. The seven chapter essays, together with the reviews of 12 major works in the area, establish the series as a forum for exploring areas of research... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Chemical Warfare & Terrorism
Hans Hoenig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Here, forensic chemist Steven L. Hoenig has compiled information from diverse sources to produce this ready reference with details on various chemicals, including identification tips, symptoms and treatment... czytaj dalej

Hardware Hacking
R. Russell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book focuses on 'Hacking' consumer and SOHO electronicdevices. Hacking in this sense refers to modifying these devices to perform in a manner not originally intended; not compromising the security of the... czytaj dalej

Renegades of Pern
A. McCaffrey Wydawnictwo: inne

As long as the people of Pern could remember, the Holds had protected them from Thread, the deadly silver strands that fell from the sky and ravaged the land. In exchange for sanctuary in the huge stone fortresses... czytaj dalej

Effective Legal Research
Thomas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides a practical guide to researching or tracing legal information effectively. It helps users find the material they need with the minimum of effort, and to use it with confidence. It presents... czytaj dalej

Offshoring Opportunities Strategies & Tactics for Global
J. Berry Wydawnictwo: angielskie

offshoring opportunities is on target for today's marketplace "This book provides a much needed framework for offshoring that supports making sound business decisions in this area, and it can help guide... czytaj dalej

Form Function in Architecture CD-ROM v.1
Hille Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This two-disc set by architect R. Thomas Hille is an attempt to explain the relationship between form and function in architecture by looking at specific buildings. Case studies of the work of six luminaries... czytaj dalej

Dancing in the Dark
M. Lee Wydawnictwo: Orion

Millie Cameron is not at all pleased when she finds herself obliged to sort through the belongings of her aunt Flo who recently died. She hardly knew her aunt and besides, she has her own career to think about... czytaj dalej