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Military Errors of World War Two
K. Macksey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This work contains 16 examples of greed, arrogance and complacency which contributed to failure and defeat in World War II. It includes Hitler's postponement of the invasion of Britain, the Battle for the Atlantic... czytaj dalej

Mold & Real Estate a Handbook for Buyers & Sellers
C. Streater Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This concise handbook provides general information on the impact of mold on the real estate industry and offers some practical advice on managing the problems associated with its presence. Streater (a trainer... czytaj dalej

Bare Branches
Hudson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What happens to a society that has too many men? In this provocative book, Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer argue that, historically, high male-to-female ratios often trigger domestic and international violence... czytaj dalej

Island Hotel Stories
Matteoli Wydawnictwo: inne

Following the success of Hotel Stories (Legendary Hideaways of the World), Island Hotel Stories by Francisca Mattéoli is a book for dreamers as well as an original and practical guide.Everyone dreams of living... czytaj dalej

Indice Biografico Italiano 1-4
T. Nappo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Die Mikrofiche-Ausgaben Italienisches Biographisches Archiv I, II und III (ABI I, ABIII, ABI III) enthalten 561.675 biographische Artikel aus 659 Nachschlagewerken mitinsgesamt 1.000 Bänden, die vom 17. Jahrhundert... czytaj dalej

Gehirn Psyche & K”rper
J. Ruegg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dass strukturelle Veränderungen im Gehirn unser Verhalten beeinflussen, wissen wir seit langem. Aber: Wie verändern umgekehrt Schmerzerfahrungen, Kindheitstraumen, Ängste oder Depressionen unsere Hirnstruktur... czytaj dalej

Clinical Electrophysiology Review
G. Klein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text provides physicians with a clinically relevant approach to the interpretation of electrophysiograms (used to measure heart rhythm disorders). It also serves as a useful resource for candidates taking... czytaj dalej

America First
Merck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

At a time when the expanded projection of US political, military, economic and cultural power draws intensified global concern, understanding how that country understands itself seems more important than ever... czytaj dalej

Modeling & Forecasting Electricity Loads & Prices +CD
R. Weron Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Forecasting electricity prices and loads is a critical function of both regulated utilities and power marketers. Regulated utilities make decisions regarding capacity expansion, fuel acquisitions, and electricity... czytaj dalej