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Twelfth-Century Cistercian Manuscripts
Natasa Golob Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive study dealing with a group of illuminated manuscripts from the Cistercian monastry of Sticna, the ancient Sitticum, in Slovenia. Natasa Golob reconstructs the medieval Sticna collection and... czytaj dalej

Concepts and Answers for the MRCGP Oral Exam
Naidoo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Originally promoted as Hot Topics for the MRCGP Oral Exam, this long-awaited book provides invaluable guidance for all trainees about to take the MRCGP Oral Exam. Firstly, the book helps familiarise the reader... czytaj dalej

Graphis Advertising Annual 2005
B. Pedersoen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The advertising community's premiere showcase of print ads from around the world. This exquisite Annual is arranged into trade categories such as automotive, beauty cosmetics, food, corporate and sports. Over... czytaj dalej

Is It Time to Reform Social Security
E. Gramlich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The chair of the recent Social Security Advisory Council explains and shares his views on Social Security reform... czytaj dalej

Ruling America
S. Fraser Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ruling America offers a panoramic history of our country's ruling elites from the time of the American Revolution to the present. At its heart is the greatest of American paradoxes: How have tiny minorities... czytaj dalej

Early Printed Books 1478-1840 v.4 S-Z
Nash Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The finest collection of architectural books in the worldFor over 150 years the British Architectural Library has accumulated and preserved a collection of architectural works - currently the largest and most... czytaj dalej

Packaging Makeovers
S. King Gordon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Whether a company has been in business for one year or for 100 years, redesigns are an inevitable, expensive part - with vast ramifications - of doing business. So although redesigns are relatively commonplace... czytaj dalej

Wee Free Men
T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Carnegie Medalist Terry Pratchett serves up another fantastic Discworld tale, this time starring a budding witch -- and a pack of mini blue warriors -- on a rescue mission to find her kidnapped brother.Tiffany... czytaj dalej

Who the Man
Lynch Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Earl got big. Or did big get Earl? Earl Pryor is the biggest thirteen-year-old anyone ever saw. He's taller than a lot of grown-ups. He's got a hairy chest. He shaves. Everyone thinks Earl's such a tough-guy... czytaj dalej

Standard Handbook of Electronic Engineering with CD-ROM
Christiansen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The complete handbook in searchable PDF on CD-ROM
Massive updates including telecom/networking, DSP, and video
Modularized table of contents
Additional reference material on CD-ROM... czytaj dalej