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Drilling Data Handbook
G. Gabolde Wydawnictwo: angielskie

New Specifications and Recommended Practices have been published by the American Petroleum Institute. Meanwhile, manufacturers have also greatly improved their equipement. In particular, remarkable progress... czytaj dalej

Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis
R. van Santen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An integrated approach to the molecular theory of reaction mechanism in heterogeneous catalysis, largely based on the knowledge among the growing theoretical catalysis community over the past half century,... czytaj dalej

Spezielle Pathologie
C. Thomas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Die Spezielle Pathologie beschreibt die organbezogene klinische Pathologie. Der Inhalt ist GK-orientiert; Text und Bildmaterial ergänzen sich didaktisch hervorragend. Die überwiegend mehrfarbigen meist makroskopischen... czytaj dalej

Wojennaja Enciklopjedija v 4
I. Sjergjejew Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Przewodniczącym Komisji Redakcyjnej Wojennej Enciklopjediji rosyjskiego wydawnictwa Wojennoje Izdatielstwo, był Minister Obrony Federacji Rosyjskiej I. N. Rodionow.8 tomów Encyklopedii zawiera 11 tysięcy haseł... czytaj dalej

Safe Third Countries
S. Lavenex Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The refugee issue has always been controversial and Lavenex's analysis adds fuel to an already heated debate. She analyses the various bi - and multilateral processes by which the countries of Central and Eastern... czytaj dalej

Succeeding with Technology
K. Baldauf Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A truly innovative approach to teaching computer concepts, now updated throughout to include the latest information on technology developments, innovations, and trends.... czytaj dalej

Ageing & Outdoor Mobility
H. Mollenkopf Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With today's spatial separation of spheres of life, mobility has become an important aspect of ensuring one's everyday life and social participation. Due to the decline of physical and sensory competences,... czytaj dalej

Fundamental Financial & Managerial Accounting Concepts wit
Edmonds Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Students are often overwhelmed by the amount of information presented in the introductory financial accounting course. Fundamental Financial and Managerial Accounting Concepts gives students the big picture... czytaj dalej

Software Forensics
R. Slade Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From one of the worlds foremost investigators of computer viruses comes this comprehensive tutorial on solving cybercrimes and bringing perpetrators to justice. Author Robert M. Slade's Software Forensics provides... czytaj dalej