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Fighting Corruption in East Asia
J. Arvis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Although attention has focused on public sector initiatives to fight corruption on the demand side, private companies have developed programmes of ethics and compliance to fight it on the "supply side"... czytaj dalej

Terapy of Moderate to Severe Psoriasis
G. Weinstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Features new and updated chapters discussing the latest and most commonly prescribed therapies for patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Noteworthy topics include the management of pediatric patients... czytaj dalej

Appleton & Lange's Review of Pediatrics 6ed
Lorin Wydawnictwo: inne

Over 1000 Exam-Type Questions. Detailed explanations with rationales for correct and incorrect answers. Includes an integrated practice test that incorporates case based questions.... czytaj dalej

NTC's Dictionary of United Kingdom
Ewart James Wydawnictwo: angielskie

NTC's Dictionary of the United Kingdom is a comprehensive, accessible guide to the language, culture, history, and geography of the United Kingdom. The dictionary presents 13,500 entries and nearly 17,000 definitions... czytaj dalej

World Class Quality & Product
Carl Thor Wydawnictwo: inne

A simple 16-point program that identifies the need to develop the highest levels of productivity sits at the heart of this book. It explains why and how all involved in the development of a product should be... czytaj dalej

RealWorld Evaluation
M. Bamberger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

RealWorld Evaluation addresses the challenges of conducting evaluations where there is not enough money, time, or data - but methodologically sound findings are still needed - and where politics makes... czytaj dalej

Cases on Global E-learning Practices
R. Sharma Wydawnictwo: angielskie

E-learning has assumed a significant role in the educational sector in both face-to-face learning and distance learning forms. Universities all over the globe have adopted e-learning methodology, or are planning... czytaj dalej

Economic Crisis Management
T. Hoa Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'. . . the book is informative and interesting for readers. Both academics and policymakers can benefit from the theoretical perspectives and the insight into the countries' experiences.'- Sakulrat Montreevat... czytaj dalej

Transnational Corporations & International Production
G. Ietto-Gillies Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This book provides a truly excellent span and depth of coverage of alternative theories and perspectives on transnational corporations (TNCs) and their effects on countries. In recent years the international... czytaj dalej

State of the Native Nations: Conditions Under U.S.
Henson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Media filters and personal preconceptions can make it hard to get a clear view of present-day Indian America. The reality is that the 500+ Native nations in the United States confront many of the same day-to-day... czytaj dalej