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Man in Full
T. Wolfe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A decade ago, The Bonfire of the Vanities defined an era--and established Tom Wolfe as our prime fictional chronicler of America at its most outrageous and alive. This time the setting is Atlanta, Georgia--a... czytaj dalej

R. Cook Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Doctor Charles martel turned into research when his wife died of cancer and he wanted to know why.His world is shattered for the 2. time, when his daughter is admitted to the hospital ........ ... czytaj dalej

Skywriting A Life Out of the Blue
J. Pauley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Beloved broadcast journalist Jane Pauley tells a remarkable story of self-discovery and of an extra-ordinary life, from her childhood in the American heartland to her three decades in television. Pauley writes... czytaj dalej

Shifting Horizons
L. Wells Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Throughout the history of photography the genre of landscape has been dominated by male perspectives. In this work, ten women photographers interpret the notion of "landscape" from a variety of perspectives. ... czytaj dalej

Prostate Cancer Clinical & Scientific Aspects Bridging the G
Abel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Despite the advent of the genomic era, the perceived benefits of close collaboration between clinicians and scientists are not always realised and the gap between bench and bedside remains. Closer collaboration... czytaj dalej

Portugal Alastair Sawday's Guide to Places to Stay
Sawday Wydawnictwo: inne

Portugal has a wonderfully long history and great variations in landscape and character. And this book has a terrific selection of special places. There are modern homes, full of light and space and old houses... czytaj dalej

Don Quichotte de la Manche v1
A. Saavedra Wydawnictwo: angielskie

La-dessus ils. découvrirent trente ou quarante moulins a vent, et, des que don Quichotte les vit, il dit a son écuyer : ? La fortune conduit nos affaires mieux que nous n'eussions su désirer, car voila, ami... czytaj dalej

Belief & Cult in Fourth-century Papyri
Choat Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This study examines the terms and features in the Greek and Coptic documentary papyri from 4th-century ce Egypt which bear on religious beliefs. These include onomastics, formulaic expressions, invocations... czytaj dalej

Design for a New Europe
J. Gillingham Wydawnictwo: brak danych

How did the process of European integration break down; how can it be repaired? In European Integration, 1950-2003, John Gillingham reviewed the history of the European project and predicted the rejection of... czytaj dalej

Screencraft Directing
Mike Goodridge Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This eagerly awaited addition to the best-selling Screencraft series is guaranteed to be a huge hit. Based on in-depth interviews with the world's top practitioners, it takes a candid view of what life is like... czytaj dalej