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Screencraft Directing
Mike Goodridge Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This eagerly awaited addition to the best-selling Screencraft series is guaranteed to be a huge hit. Based on in-depth interviews with the world's top practitioners, it takes a candid view of what life is like... czytaj dalej

Pschyrembel Klinisches Worterbuch 258.Auflage
Gruyter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Der Pschyrembel ist-Kein Wörterbuch. Er ist -- vor hundert Jahren -- aus einem Wörterbuch hervorgegangen.Der Pschyrembel ist jetzt eine-Enzyklopädie der aktuellen klinischen Medizin.Um das zu bleiben, muß der... czytaj dalej

Contemporary Hair Trasplant Surgery
Kenneth Buchwach,Raymond Konior Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hair transplantation is widely recognized as the most effective current treatment for male-pattern baldness. This is an illustrated step-by-step guide on the techniques and aesthetic considerations of hair... czytaj dalej

Psychosomatik in der Pflege
C. Lanzendorfer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Das Buch leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis von Medizin und Pflege: Ein Mensch besteht aus Leib und Seele, und wenn er erkrankt, so leiden beide. Psychosomatik ist eine Auffassung vom Menschen... czytaj dalej

Promoting Physical Activity & Active Living in Urban
P. Edwards Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The healthy Cities and urban governance programme of the WHO Regional Office for Europe has focused on how local governments can implement healthy urban planning to generate environments that promote opportunities... czytaj dalej

Data Communications & Computer Networks
White Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The latest edition of Curt White's top-selling text maintains a balanced approach between the technical and the practical aspects of data communications, providing a solid understanding not only of how things... czytaj dalej

L. Zigman Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

On a chance encounter on the Delta shuttle between NY and Washington, Elise meets Donald, six foot six, with dark wavy hair, horn-rimmed glasses, a big easy smile, and no wife, no kids. Just an ex-girlfriend... czytaj dalej

Dark Angel
G. Archer Wydawnictwo: inne

A new thriller from the bestselling author of Fire Hawk, The Lucifer Network, and The Burma Legacy. Tom Sedley's idyllic summer vacation in a leafy post war suburb of north London came to an abrupt and shocking... czytaj dalej

Eva's Cousin
S. Knauss Wydawnictwo: inne

Berchtesgaden, Germany, is a beautiful place, set among the gentle meadow-clad hills rising to the sheer heights of bare Alpine peaks. It is here where an elderly woman arrives and recollects her past#8212;and... czytaj dalej

Nothing But the Truth
Avi Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Harrison, NH -- Ninth-grade student Philip Malloy was suspended from school for singing along to The Star-Spangled Banner in his homeroom, causing what his teacher, Margaret Narwin, called 'a disturbance... czytaj dalej