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Nowe ruchy religijne
Eileen Barker Wydawnictwo:

Jednym z prekursorów i zarazem najwybitniejszych do dziś dnia autorytetów w dziedzinie badań alternatywnych form religijności jest prof. Eileen Barker z London School of Economics, założycielka INFORM -- największego... czytaj dalej

Umowa o zarządzanie nieruchomością
Stanisław Starkiewicz Wydawnictwo:

Książka Umowa o zarządzanie nieruchomością. Wzory - objaśnienia - przepisycałościowo przedstawia problematykę umownego zarządzania nieruchomościami w prawie polskim oraz amerykański model prawa mieszkaniowego... czytaj dalej

Creations of the Mind
Margolis Wydawnictwo: inne

Creations of the Mind presents sixteen original essays by theorists from a wide variety of disciplines who have a shared interest in the nature of artifacts and their implications for the human mind. All the... czytaj dalej

Sexual Organization of the City
Laumann Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Drawing on extensive surveys and interviews with Chicago adults, Edward O. Laumann and his colleagues show that the city is, in the face of pop culture evidence to the contrary, a place where sexual choices... czytaj dalej

Stag Hunt
McGowan Wydawnictwo: inne

Twenty years after being tormented by a gang of boys, it's time to make them pay. But into the finely wrought net stumbles one man who had nothing to do with the evil in that school. Matthew Moriarty carries... czytaj dalej

Starship Troopers
R. Heinlein Wydawnictwo: inne

It is told through the eyes of Starship Trooper Johnny Rico, from his idealistic enlistment in the infantry of the future, through his rigorous training to the command of his own platoon of infantrymen. His... czytaj dalej

Spy Who Came in from the Cold
R. LeCarre Wydawnictwo: inne

A burned-out former spy accepts a last assignment. But as he proceeds, he discovers that he's lost his taste for spying and now questions the rightness of rules he once obeyed without question. ... czytaj dalej

Forts of the American Frontier 1820-91
R. Field Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing Ltd.

During the 1840s, the rarely visited Great American Desert of the Southern Plains and Southwest became part of the inexorable westward expansion, as European traders and settlers headed overland from the eastern... czytaj dalej

Horrid Henry's Revenge
Simon Wydawnictwo: Orion

A brilliant new collection of four stories about this favourite character - one of the few new characters to have emerged in recent years for this age group. Wickedly subversive, hilariously funny and bang... czytaj dalej