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Hit & Run
R. Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

To be sure he will pass his driver's test, Eddie goes out for a practice drive one night with three friends. When Eddie has a little accident, the four pals are forced to share a terrible secret . . . because... czytaj dalej

Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 2e
T. Lissauer,Clayden Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Highly Commended - MedicineBMA Medical Book Awards 2002Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 2/e covers the core curriculum for undergraduate teaching of clinical paediatrics. The second edition retains the... czytaj dalej

Beyond the Clinic
Murray Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Written by experts with many years of experience in teaching trainees in the field, this is a practical and essential handbook for all trainee ophthalmologists. Written with humour and sensitivity, this book... czytaj dalej

Practical Approach to Infectious Diseases
R. Betts Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now in its thoroughly revised, updated Fifth Edition, this handbook is a practical, easily accessible, and authoritative guide to the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Leading experts present... czytaj dalej

Lee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Courage, Gus Lee captures the essential component of leadership in measurable behaviors. Using actual stories from Whirlpool, Kaiser Permanente, IntegWare, WorldCom and other organizations, Lee shows how... czytaj dalej

When Children Ask About God
H. Kushner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Who made God? Can God hear my prayers? Why does God let people die? The author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People helps parents understand their children's fears and fantasies, and offers advice on answering... czytaj dalej

Irving Berlin's Show Business
D. Leopold Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Few artists have left as profound a mark on twentieth-century culture as Irving Berlin has. Starting on New York's Tin Pan Alley in 1907 and continuing to Broadway and Hollywood, Berlin captured the hearts... czytaj dalej

Overcoming Anxiety at Work
Miskell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Offers specific pointers for overcoming job jitters, cooling hot tempers, and taming other common types of anxious energy. By understanding the types of situations and fears which trigger their anxious reactions... czytaj dalej

Goddess at Home
Anita Llewellyn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Drawing inspiration from the stories of seven Greek goddesses, this guide provide decorating ideas and themes, from the sensual and alluring to the strong and serene. Through quotations, stories and pictures... czytaj dalej

Hasidic Williamsburg
G. Kranzler Wydawnictwo: inne

Hasidic Williamsburg recounts the dramatic emergence of this unique community in the face of major crises. It is the story of the loyalty of its members to their rebbes and their teachings and to the milieu... czytaj dalej