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Life of Goethe
J. Williams Wydawnictwo: brak danych

He established a major European reputation and profoundly influenced his contemporaries and literary successors, not least among them the British Romantic writers Coleridge, Scott, and Byron.... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Strategic Management
D. Channon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Strategic Management provides clear, concise up to the minute and highly informative definitions and explanations of the key concepts covering the whole of the fast... czytaj dalej

Pelvic Floor Its Function & Disorders
J. Pemberton Wydawnictwo: inne

The Pelvic Floor is ahighly accessible, clinically focussed book which comprehensively covers this important topic. Edited and written by multidisciplinary teams of coloprocologists, urologists, gynecologists... czytaj dalej

John Pawson Themes & Projects
J. Pawson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book looks at the spatial themes that preoccupy John Pawson's work through a close examination of a range of different projects. It examines how light, mass and structure inform the architecture, the role... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Party Politics
R. Katz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'This thoughtful and wide-ranging review of parties and party research contains contributions from many of the foremost party scholars and is a must for all library shelves' - Richard Luther, Keele University... czytaj dalej

Reunion & Dark Pony Two Plays
D. Mamet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In two plays, a man and his daughter seem to meet each other for the first time when they are united after twenty years, and while traveling by car a father relates a mythical tale to his child. ... czytaj dalej

Human Biology Concepts & Issues
Johnson Wydawnictwo: inne

Taking advantage of nonscience students' natural curiosity about how the human body works, Human Biology: Concepts and Current Issues sparks readers' interest in science and encourages active learning. With... czytaj dalej

Building Vocabulary A
Margaret Maggs Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Building Vocabulary is part of the English Survival Series, which teaches basic reading and writing skills. Building Vocabulary, A, B, and C, is designed to help ESL/EFL students master the spelling skills... czytaj dalej

Family of Fashion
Taylor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Messel Dress Collection" is a unique collection of exceptional garments, embracing luxurious international haute couture, fancy dress, home-made and customised clothing worn by six generations... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Bonaire 1e
Jerry Schnabel,Susan Swygert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

40 dive sites around Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. Dive Highlights: Best Caribbean shore dives, Klein Bonaire, Washington Slagbaii National Park dives.... czytaj dalej