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Combinatorial Chemistry v. 26
Bannwarth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This revolutionary method enables organic and medicinal chemists to synthesize thousands or even millions of potentially interesting compounds in a single reaction sequence. Combined with current methods of... czytaj dalej

Tokujin Yoshioka Design
Niimi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Tokujin Yoshioka was born in Japan in 1967. He is one of the most important Japanese designers working today, and despite his age he has already worked in collaboration with renowned individuals such as Issey... czytaj dalej

Positive Risk How SMART Women Use Passion To Break Throgh
B. Stoker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Positive risk is a perspective, an attitude, and a life philosophy that creates a shift away from the negative view of risk that so many of us were taught. This book will help change your perceptions regarding... czytaj dalej

Crash Course Pharmacology with STUDENT CONSULT Access
Barnes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A set of lecture notes, this book offers the information needed to get through a course or prepare for exams. It covers the essential concepts of each discipline or specialty; learning features; and review questions. ... czytaj dalej

Ultrasonography in Vascular Diseases
Bluth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The optimal use of sonography is essential for accurately diagnosing vascular patients. Extracted from 'Ultrasound: A Practical Approach to Clinical Problems', this targeted book focuses on common vascular... czytaj dalej

Appleton & Lange Review for the Physician Assistant
Miller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed as a study aid to review for the Physician Assistant National Certification and Recertification Exam. It contains over 1200 questions, detailed explanations, a 200-question practice test and is packaged... czytaj dalej

Neighbours Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne
J. Gross Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

One summer day in 1941, half of the Polish town of Jedwabne murdered the other half, 1,600 men, women, and children, all but seven of the town's Jews. 'Neighbors' tells their story. This is a shocking, brutal... czytaj dalej

Birds of Africa v.5
Urban Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Universally recognized as by far the most authoritative work ever published on the subject, The Birds of Africa is a superb reference with encyclopedic species texts, stunning paintings, detailed line drawings... czytaj dalej

Real Mosquitoes Don't Eat Meat
B. Wetzler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When birds swoop around en masse, how do they decide who does the steering? What makes the moon look bigger at moonrise? These and other quirky questions about the world are answered in this collection from... czytaj dalej

Thinking of Home
William Faulkner,James Watson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Letters reveal Faulkner's experiences during his twenties when he first visited the North, served in World War I, studied with Sherwood Anderson, and traveled through Europe. ... czytaj dalej