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Occupational & Environmental Medicine
J. LaDou Wydawnictwo: inne

This is a complete, yet concise clinical reference to common occupational and environmental illness. It covers diagnosis and treatment, as well as preventative and remedial measures in the workplace and community... czytaj dalej

Kraków City Guide 1e
Krzysztof Dydyński Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Kraków, a city of proud traditions and rich history, is unveiled in this comprehensive guide by one of its own citizens. Explore labyrinthine salt mines, marvel at religious icons and relax in medieval cellar... czytaj dalej

Borg's Perceived Exertion & Pain Scales
G. Borg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A theoretical and methodological guide to the field of perceived exertion (subjective somatic symptoms). Thirteen chapters compile information on the background, construction, and use of RPE and CR10 scaling... czytaj dalej

History of Transylvania V.1
L. Makkai Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The first volume of a three volume history of Transylvania is designed to present Transylvanian history in a European context and with due attention to Transylvania's links to Hungary, the Habsburg Empire,... czytaj dalej

Parrot in the Pepper Tree
C. Steward Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Chris Stewart turns another leaf on his life in southern Spain in this evocative and very funny Sort Of sequel to his best-selling biography, Driving Over Lemons. It is fact part sequel - further (mis)adventures... czytaj dalej

World News Prism
W. Hachten Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Written in a pithy and accessible style, this classic book brings readers up to date on major global news events. The seventh edition of this enduring text provides insights into the war on terrorism; war in... czytaj dalej

On the German Art of War
B. Condell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Truppenfuehrung", the 20th-century equivalent of Sun Tzu's "Art of War", served as the basic manual for the German army from 1934 to the end of World War II. This document provided the doctrinal... czytaj dalej

Paciorkiewicz Piotr, Chwałko E Wydawnictwo: Pascal

Breslau (Wrocław) ist eine außergewöhnliche Stadt, deren Charakter von ihrer doppelten, polnischen und deutschen Identitńt, von tschechischen, österreichischen und jüdischen Einflüssen und damit von der Vielfalt... czytaj dalej

Prawa pacjenta w zarysie czyli co warto wiedzieć idąc do lekarza
Radosław Tymiński Wydawnictwo: Polskie Centrum Edukacji

Publikacja ta ma na celu dostarczenie pacjentom i wszystkim osobom zainteresowanym tą tematyką rzetelnej wiedzy o podstawowych prawach pacjenta.... czytaj dalej

Shadow Dance
Garwood Julie Wydawnictwo: inne

Jordan Buchanan is thrilled that her brother and best friend are tying the knot. The wedding is a lavish affair?for the marriage of Dylan Buchanan and Kate MacKenna is no ordinary occasion. It represents the... czytaj dalej