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Dynamic Interceptive Actions in Sport
K. Davids Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dynamic interceptive actions are those actions for which the body, or an implement, must be moved into the right place at the right time in order to accomplish a task. These actions are particularly prevalent... czytaj dalej

Contested Masculinities
Jayasena Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Exploring how English masculinity - that was so contingent on the relative health of the British imperial project - negotiated the decline and ultimate dissolution of the empire by the middle of the twentieth... czytaj dalej

Redesigning Financial Regulation
J. O'Brien Wydawnictwo: angielskie

At the height of the 1990s boom, Jack Grubman, one of the most successful analysts in Wall Street proclaimed #8216;what used to be conflicts of interest are now synergies#8217;. This myopia contributed dramatically... czytaj dalej

Jewish Heritage Travel Revised Edition
Ruth Gruber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a revised and updated edition of a guide to the rich cultural heritage of East-Central Europe. A combined travel guide and historical tour of Jewish culture, the book contains a wealth of historical... czytaj dalej

Ready To Use Classical Music Illustrations
Bob Giuliani Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Drawings, each in 2 sizes: performers, instruments, great composers, groups, more.... czytaj dalej

Rethinking Evil
Maria Lara Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This innovative volume will be welcomed by moral and political philosophers, social scientists, and anyone who reflects seriously on the twentieth century's heavy burden of war, genocide, ethnic cleansing,... czytaj dalej

Rethinking Bank Regulation
Barth Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume assembles and presents a new database on bank regulation in over 150 countries (included also on CD). It offers the first comprehensive cross-country assessment of the impact of bank regulation... czytaj dalej

Have You Seen Bugs
Joanne Oppenheim Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Rhyming verse introduces the variety and characteristics of insects, accompanied by detailed paper sculptures. A stunning book gives readers a vivid view of the lives of bugs, from their shapes to the work they do.... czytaj dalej

Crisis of Islam
Lewis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

President Bush has made it clear that we are engaged in a war against terrorism. But for Usama bin Laden and his followers this is religious war, a war for Islam against infidels, especially the United States... czytaj dalej

Cellular & Molecular Biology of Nitric Oxide
Jeffrey Laskin,Debra Laskin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

...Provides the latest advances in the explosive growth of nitric oxide (NO) study-covering the behavior of this highly reactive molecule in a wide variety of physiologicial processes, including respiration... czytaj dalej