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David Goldblatt Intersections
Stevenson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this generously illustrated monograph the renowned South African photographer David Goldblatt explores the aftermath of Apartheid in and beyond Johannesburg. ... czytaj dalej

CompactLehrbuch Anatomie v 4
W. Graumann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Durch die übersichtliche Gliederung, die ausgefeilte Didaktik mit einer abgestuften Wissensvermittlung und die moderne Gestaltung mit vielen visuellen Lernhilfen kommt dieses Lehrbuch den Informationsbedürfnissen... czytaj dalej

Modern Architecture Through Case Studies 1945 to 1990
P.B. Jones Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Once again, new interpretations are presented of some of the most famous architecture of the period. Work by lesser-known architects, whose influence and role have been overlooked by conventional histories... czytaj dalej

Beijing IG
R. Sparling Wydawnictwo: inne

While other cities of China may seem more urbane, more modern and closer to the 20th century, Beijing is the true metropolitan reflection of its country's history. Originally published during the political... czytaj dalej

Asia's Emerging Regional Order
R. Thakur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Human security" emphasises the social, economic and political well-being of individuals. This volume offers several proposals for integrating traditional and human-security approaches, such as supplementing... czytaj dalej

Contemporary's English Connections B. 3
C. Porter,E. Minicz Wydawnictwo: inne

Contemporary... czytaj dalej

Historical Atlas of Immunology
Cruse Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This comprehensive atlas depicts key historical figures and important events related to milestones in the field of immunology. From the origins of immunological study, through to the critical events that have... czytaj dalej

Vom Chaos zum Bios
H. Metzner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In ein in Jahrmilliarden entstandenes Ökosystem trat vor einigen zehntausend Jahren der Mensch ein und hat wie kein anderer Organismus vor ihm das Bild der Erde radikal verändert. Wie sieht heute die Zukunft... czytaj dalej

Sea of Troubles
D. Leon Wydawnictwo: inne

The murder of two clam fishermen off the island of Pellestrina, south of the Lido on the Venetian lagoon, draws Commissario Brunetti into the island's close-knit community, bound together by a code of loyalty... czytaj dalej

J. Fowles Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Withdrawn, uneducated and unloved, Frederick collects butterflies and takes photographs. A chance pools win enables his to capture the art student Miranda and keep her in the cellar of the Sussex house he has... czytaj dalej