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Film Review 1993
Maurice Speed,James Cameron-Wilson Wydawnictwo:

Film Review - the best-loved and longest-established film annual in the world - is now in its 48th year. Eagerly awaited by film buffs, cinemagoers and movie professionals everywhere, this unique survey's combination... czytaj dalej

Managing Linux Systems with Webmin
J. Cameron Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by the creator of Webmin, this book explains how to use the most popular Webmin modules to perform common administration tasks on a Linux system such as adding users, configuring Apache, setting up... czytaj dalej

Clinical Case Reporting in Evidence Based Medicine
Milos Jenicek Wydawnictwo: inne

As the evidence-based medicine movement gathers momentum, it is becoming apparent that valuable information can be derived from individual case studies, provided that the information is structured correctly... czytaj dalej

Systems & Control Dictionary
Pierre Borne,Nigel Quayle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This interdisciplinary dictionary presents 64,000 technical terms and expressions used in the fields of: automatic control, electronics, electrotechnics, mechanics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering... czytaj dalej

Color Atlas of Immunology
Burmester Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A pocket atlas flexibook on this dynamic and wide-ranging field, indispensable for students of medicine and biology alike.Complex processes are well-illustrated in clear images that are not burdened with unnecessary... czytaj dalej

Medicinal Leech Therapy
Andreas Michalsen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Medicinal Leech Therapy is undergoing a renaissance in recent years, both in terms of how well the effects of using leeches are understood, and in the discovery of new clinical applications which have resulted... czytaj dalej

A. Belyj Wydawnictwo: inne

#1042;#1085;#1080;#1084;#1072;#1085;#1080;#1102; #1095;#1080;#1090;#1072;#1090;#1077;#1083;#1103; #1087;#1088;#1077;#1076;#1083;#1072;#1075;#1072;#1077;#1090;#1089;#1103; #1082;#1086;#1084;#1084;#1077;#1085;#1090;#1080;#1088;#1086... czytaj dalej

Vychislitelnaia teploperedacha
A. Samarskij Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"#1050;#1085;#1080;#1075;#1072; #1087;#1086;#1089;#1074;#1103;#1097;#1077;#1085;#1072; #1084;#1077;#1090;#1086;#1076;#1072;#1084; #1080;#1089;#1089;#1083;#1077;#1076;#1086;#1074;#1072;#1085;#1080;#1103;... czytaj dalej

Heresy & the Persecuting Society in the Middle Ages
M. Frassetto Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume examines the influence of R. I. Moore and the nature of heresy and its repression in the Middle Ages. The volume considers the vexing question of the origins of medieval heresy and the possible... czytaj dalej

Birch Grove & Other Stories
Iwaszkiewicz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Iwaszkiewicz's work is familiar to every Polish reader, yet remains unknown to the outside world. These stories were all written in the 1930s, and provide an extraordinary evocation of Poland's first brief... czytaj dalej