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Clinical Pathways in Neuro-Ophthalmology
Lee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by an ophthalmologist and a neurologist with more than 30 years experience between them, this is the first book devoted specifically to differential diagnosis in neuro-ophthalmology. The expanded and... czytaj dalej

Surgical Techniques for Shoulder & Elbow
Barber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The continued expansion of arthroscopic techniques has led to rapid recognition and treatment of a wide variety of shoulder and elbow pathologies. This convenient new book covers the most frequently performed... czytaj dalej

Young French Architects
Goddefroy Wydawnictwo: inne

This presentation of 14 young French architects provides an overview of one of the most creative architectural scenes in Europe. Amongst the offices documented are: Avant Travaux; Laurent and Emanuelle Beaudoin;... czytaj dalej

C. McCullough Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

The bestselling author of THE THORN BIRDS returns with a novel of laughter, passion and more than a little magic ! 1960, Sydney's Kings Cross. Harriet Purcell leaves her conventional, respectable home and respectable... czytaj dalej

Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Movie Tie-in Edition
C. Lewis Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

In the never-ending war between good and evil, The Chronicles of Narnia set the stage for battles of epic proportions. Some take place in vast fields, where the forces of light and darkness clash. But other... czytaj dalej

Managerial Accounting 11e + CD
Garrison Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the long-time best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to 2 million students through the challenging waters of managerial accounting since it was first published. It identifies the three functions managers... czytaj dalej

Stephens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A review of basic arithmetic precedes clear explanations of how nurses need to apply mathematics in modern clinical practice. This study guide teaches an especially easy approach to solving the proportion problems... czytaj dalej

Infectious Diseases
Stone Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Infectious disease problems are common in the emergency department, and with international travel and bioterrorism adding new angles, the emergency physician must be aware of common and more exotic/tropical... czytaj dalej

Psychological Testing
Murphy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For sophomore/junior-level courses in Psychological Testing or Measurement. Focuses on the use of psychological tests to make important decisions about individuals in a variety of settings. This text explores... czytaj dalej

Memories of Catholic Girlhood
M. McCarhy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mary McCarthy records those incidents in her childhood that most affected her religious outlook and early development as an artist. ... czytaj dalej