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Science of Sugar Confectionery
Edwards Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Confectionery is a topic close to many people's hearts and its manufacture involves some interesting science. The confectionery industry is divided into three classes: chocolate, flour and sugar confectionery... czytaj dalej

Studies on Holocaust v.2
R. Braham Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is a collection of seminal essays on the Holocaust in Hungary. Three of these studies deal with the prewar and wartime periods, focusing on the impact of the Vatican and of the Christian churches on the... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Jamaica 1e
Hannie Smit,Theo Smit Wydawnictwo: angielskie

31 dive sites around Jamaica, including Negril, Montego Bay, Runaway Bay, Ocho Rios, Port Antonio, Port Royal/Kingston. Dive highlights: Montego Bay Marine Park, the Reggae Queen wreck.... czytaj dalej

Basic & Clinical Science Course Neuro-Ophtalmology
S. Newman Wydawnictwo: inne

A patient-centered approach to the diagnosis and treatment of major neuro-ophthalmic conditions. Focusing on important presenting signs and symptoms, this book leads the reader through the sometimes subtle... czytaj dalej

Structure as Design
I. Allen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A unique exploration into the way designers use the necessary structural elements of a building as a part of its interior design. Steel, glass, concrete, pressure-treated wood: the design work featured in these... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Pathophysiology
Holmes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Featuring over 300 large full-color illustrations, this comprehensive atlas shows how more than 150 disorders can disrupt the human body's equilibrium. It is designed to help healthcare professionals visualize... czytaj dalej

Machine Reconstruction in Human Control Strategies
D. Suc Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Complex dynamic systems are usually controlled by operators who's skill is sub-cognitive. Therefore, to reconstruct human control skill involves machine learning from operator's execution traces, to induce... czytaj dalej

People's Machine Arnold Schwarzenegger & the Rise of Blockbu
J. Mathews Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a vivid, incisive account of Governor Schwarzenegger and his tenure in California politics, by the "Los Angeles Times" political reporter whose unique access and insight into Arnold has led... czytaj dalej

MarketBusters 40 Strategic Moves That Drive Exceptional Busi
A. McGrath Wydawnictwo: angielskie

If all firms face similar obstacles to profitable growth, how do some companies successfully burst through these barriers, leaving their competitors in the dust?Rita Gunther McGrath and Ian C. MacMillan argue... czytaj dalej

Puerto Rican Diaspora
Whalen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Puerto Ricans have lived and worked for over a century in cities and towns across the United States -- not just in New York City. Highlighting the distinct and shared aspects of migration and community building... czytaj dalej