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Peterson's Principles of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2 vols
M. Miloro Wydawnictwo: inne

Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Second Edition, encompasses a wide range of diverse topics making it a unique text amongst the medical and dental specialties. The purpose of this concise... czytaj dalej

Managing Financial Risk
Charles Smithson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Managing Financial Risk" is the most authoritative and comprehensive primer ever published for financial professionals who must understand and successfully use derivatives. The previous edition of... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Shah Wydawnictwo: angielskie

*700 exquisite quality color clinical photographs plus 100 imaging studies - the most comprehensive visual compilation of pediatric emergeny medicine
emphasizes visual clues to reach a quick and accurate diag... czytaj dalej

Radiography PREP Program Review & Exam Preparation
Saia Wydawnictwo: angielskie

New coverage of computed/digital imaging is included in chapters 11, 12, 13, and 14
Follows the ARRT exam format
Summarizes the entire radiography curriculum in a concise, readable narrative
Pr... czytaj dalej

PSP Hacks Mods & Expansions
Prochnow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

View movies and pictures Listen to music Browse the web Increase memory Customize their favorite games Upgrade PSP hardware and software Integrate the iPod into the PSP world Use any memory stick with the PSP... czytaj dalej

Basic Medical Endocrinology 2e
Goodman Wydawnictwo: inne

Basic Medical Endocrinology, Third Edition provides up-to-date coverage of rapidly unfolding advances in the understanding of hormones involved in regulating most aspects of bodily functions. The discussion... czytaj dalej

Spine Technology Handbook
S. Kurtz Wydawnictwo: inne

Over the past decade, there has been rapid growth in bioengineering applications in the field of spine implants. This book explains the technical foundation for understanding and expanding the field of spine... czytaj dalej

Exploring Earth
Reed Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For an introductory physical geology course taught at both two- and four-year schools.Exploring Earth takes an integrative, process approach to teaching physical geology by presenting the traditional breadth... czytaj dalej

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture
J. Storey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This highly successful fourth edition of this text continues to present a clear and critical survey of competing theories of and various approaches to popular culture. Retaining the accessible approach of previous... czytaj dalej

Wild Earth: Volcano
Lorraine Hopping Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Mount Pinatubo, Mount St. Helens, and Mount Pelee are just some of the volcanoes around the world that are included in this fascinating Hello Reader! Science book. Young readers will learn interesting details... czytaj dalej