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Warszawa stolica Polszy. Warszawa stolica Polski. Wersja rosyjska
Parma Christian Grunwald Kopeć Renata Wydawnictwo: Parma Press

Ten albumik to najlepszy fotograficzny przewodnik po Warszawie i pamiątka z pobytu w tym mieście. W albumie pokazaliśmy najbardziej znane i charakterystyczne obiekty historyczne ale również współczesne oblicze Warszawy.... czytaj dalej

Accommodation Services
V. O'Shannessy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Accommodation services play a vital role in the success of any accommodation business, whether it is a five-star hotel or a caravan park. A guest's experience is keenly influenced by the service they receive... czytaj dalej

International Construction Arbitration Law
J. Jenkins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There is probably no area of activity more in need of reliable dispute resolution procedures than construction projects, especially if more than one jurisdiction is involved. This eminently practical guide... czytaj dalej

Essential Cardiac Catheterization
R. Butler Wydawnictwo: inne

The development of cardiac catheterization has proved to be a very significant step in the field of heart medicine. It is currently one of the most accurate tests in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease... czytaj dalej

Complete Revision Notes for Medical Finals
Patel Wydawnictwo: inne

'Complete Revision Notes for Medical Finals' presents the key concepts and facts that all medical students need to know by the end of their final year. If you know what is in this book then you will know enough... czytaj dalej

Internal Derangements of Joints
Resnick Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Donald Resnick's latest reference keeps pace with the rapid changes that characterize modern MR imaging of joints. This second edition offers comprehensive coverage of the most up-to-date protocols and imaging... czytaj dalej

Creative Leadership
G. Puccio Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Creative thinking is a core competence for change leaders, and research has shown that creative thinking can be enhanced through creative problem solving principles and procedures. This book taps into the more... czytaj dalej

Comprehensive Glycoscience vols 4
J. Kamerling Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Carbohydrates are an important part of life and are present in bacteria, fungi, viruses, yeast, plants, animals and humans. The rapid expansion of chemistry and glycobiology over the last few years has provided... czytaj dalej

Introduction to C++ Programming
D. Liang Wydawnictwo: angielskie

 Learning basic logic and fundamental programming techniques are essential for new programmers to succeed. A distinctive fundamentals-first approach and clear, concise writing style characterize this unique... czytaj dalej

Trigonometry 7e
Larson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This market-leading text continues to provide students and instructors with sound, consistently structured explanations of the mathematical concepts. Designed for a one-term course that prepares students to... czytaj dalej