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Kids Say Darndest Things
B. Cosby Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When it comes to interacting with kids, there is no better communicator - and instigator - than Bill Cosby. He has made an art out of talking to children by letting them be funny naturally. 'When talking to... czytaj dalej

Somewhere in the Darkness
W. Myers Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Jimmy hasn't seen his father in nine years. But one day he comes back -- on the run from the law. Together, the two of them travel across the country -- where Jimmy's dad will find the man who can exonerate... czytaj dalej

Hot & Cold Summer
J. Hurwitz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An enlightening story of friendship. Rory and Derek are best friends-until a girl named Bolivia comes to visit! Derek thinks she's great, but Rory says three's a crowd. "Cheerful and perceptive-right on... czytaj dalej

Lily & Miss Liberty
Carla Stevens Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Life and the social problems of 19th-century New York are realistically portrayed in this chapter book about a young girl who dreams up a special way to raise money for the Statue of Liberty's pedestal. "An... czytaj dalej

Rain Forest
Helen Cowcher Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Rain forest animals watch as man and his machines threaten to destroy the lush vegetation and peacefulness of their home. "A brief cautionary tale which is an effective introduction to a timely subject... czytaj dalej

John Pawson Works
Deyan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

John Pawson is one of the foremost proponents of Minimalism in architecture and design. Already known to designers for his austere yet luxurious interiors, he has attained public acclaim for his high-profile... czytaj dalej

John Hix Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`The Glasshouse` traces the evolution of the glass building from its humble hothouse beginnings to the climate-controlled, high-tech structures of the 20th century. It features a wide range of horticultural... czytaj dalej

Electrotherapy Explained
J. Low Wydawnictwo: brak danych

New for the third editionTotally redesigned into a new format with helpful tips and key sections of the text highlighted for revision or quick reference.Updated and revised with the very latest information... czytaj dalej

Anterior Eye & Therapeutics A-Z
A. Bruce Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This handy A-Z pocket book covers a broad range of anterior segment eye conditions and how to manage them with ocular therapeutics. It provides treatment protocols and down-to-earth sensible advice and lists... czytaj dalej

Duns Scotus on God
Richard Cross Wydawnictwo: inne

The Franciscan John Duns Scotus (c. 1266-1308) is the philosopher's theologian par excellence: more than any of his contemporaries, he is interested in arguments for their own sake. Making use of the tools... czytaj dalej