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Fighting Fish/Fighting Birds
Hiro Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A collection of black-and-white and color photographs of fighting fish and fighting cocks. ... czytaj dalej

Beyond Visions of the Interplanetary Probes
Benson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the 1960s, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been sending unmanned satellites to explore the planets, moons and sun. These probes have amassed a stunning visual record of other worlds... czytaj dalej

Visible Differences Why Race Will Matter to Americans in the
Pulera Wydawnictwo: inne

Race. The mere mention of the R-word is a surefire conversation-stopper. In this book about America's most divisive social issue, Dominic J. Pulera offers a compelling roadmap to our future. This accessible... czytaj dalej

Aesthetic in Kant
Kirwan Wydawnictwo: inne

Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment is widely considered to be the seminal work of modern aesthetics. In recent years it has been the focus of intense interest and debate not only in philosophy but also... czytaj dalej

Hiking in USA 1e
Marisa Gierlich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide to the best hikes in the Lower 48 states is a must for the experienced hiker and the first-timer alike. From coast to coast, across plains and mountain ranges, through unspoiled forests and canyons... czytaj dalej

Cell Growth Control of Cell Size
M. Hall Wydawnictwo: inne

Breakthroughs in the field of cell growth, particularly in the control of cell size, are reviewed by experts in the three major divisions of the field: growth of individual cells, growth of organs, and regulation... czytaj dalej

Cell Biology of Addiction
Madras Wydawnictwo: inne

This monograph, written by experts in the field, is devoted to the molecular analysis of addiction pathways in the brain. It provides an intensive overview of the fundamentals, state-of-the-art advances, and... czytaj dalej

Communism Post-Communism & Democracy
I. Iliescu Wydawnictwo: inne

A leader of "the new Europe" offers a unique perspective on recent history. A stalwart ally and strategic partner in the war against terror and a new member of NATO, Romania with its vibrant democracy... czytaj dalej

Principles of Construction Safety
Holt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Changes in law and best practice in construction safety make it difficult for the construction professional to keep up with current thinking and requirements. Covering occupational health issues and the environmental... czytaj dalej

Headache in Children & Adolescent
Ken Winner Wydawnictwo: inne

Bringing together the top names in the field, this sharply clinical yet user friendly work aims to educate pediatricians, family practitioners and other health care providers about the special issues pertaining... czytaj dalej