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Introduction to Nuclear & Particle Physics
Ferbel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Developed at the University of Rochester, this undergraduate textbook explains Rutherford scattering, nuclear models, basic applications of nuclear physics, particle detectors and accelerators, the properties... czytaj dalej

Lafayette Park Detroit
Waldheim Wydawnictwo: angielskie

At a time when many of the past decades... czytaj dalej

Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics
N. Venkateswarlu Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Introduction to BiopharmaceuticsAbsorption of Drugs from Gastrointenstianal TractDrug DistributionDrug EliminationIntroduction to PharmacokineticsOne Comparatment Open ModelMulti compartment ModelsMultiple... czytaj dalej

Rule of Reason Rethinking Another Classic of European Law
Schrauwen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book contains the papers of a conference organised by the University of Amsterdam on the Rule of Reason concept. It is meant to comprise a full account of the legal state of affairs. It addresses the topic... czytaj dalej

Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach
C. Cengel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The 4th Edition of Cengel Boles Thermodynamics:An Engineering Approach is certain to takethermodynamic education to the next level through itsintuitive and innovative approach. A long-timefavorite among students... czytaj dalej

Hedging Instruments & Risk Management How to Use Derivatives
Cusatis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Books on complex hedging instruments are often more confusing than the instruments themselvesHedging Instruments Risk Management brings clarity to the topic, giving money managers the straightforward knowledge... czytaj dalej

Asthma Educators Handbook
Ch Fanta Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Learn asthma care essentials-from top experts at the Partners Asthma Center Internists, family physicians, physician's assistants, respiratory therapists, and pharmacists will find this unparalleled, authoritative... czytaj dalej

50 Awesome Auto Projects for the Evil Genius
G. Harper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Evil Genius format is the perfect "vehicle" for 50 incredible automotive projects that are compatible with any car, no matter what make, model, or year. Focusing on low-cost, easily obtained components... czytaj dalej

101 Ways to Boost Your Fortune on EBay
Prince Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There are more than 150 million registered eBay users, most of whom are hungry for information on how they can boost sales and strike it rich on eBay. Prince is an internationally respected eBay authority who... czytaj dalej

A. Wall Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Digby Walton was once the heir to an English pottery company. Now in old age he contemplates the history of that company as he reflects upon the modern world. He stares with a tragic eye at the society that... czytaj dalej