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Życie bakterii
Kunicki - Goldfinger Władysław Wydawnictwo: PWN

Wznowienie siódmego zmienionego wydania, znanego i poszukiwanego podręcznika z zakresu mikrobiologii ogólnej. Omówiono w nim:rys historyczny mikrobiologii,określenie mikrobiologii ? co to są drobnoustroje i... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials
H. Kronmuller,S. Parkin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the first application of the oxide magnetite as a compass in China in ancient times, and from the early middle ages in Europe, magnetic materials have become an indispensable part of our daily life. Magnetic... czytaj dalej

Ed Ruscha
R. Marshall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ed Ruscha (b.1937) initially gained attention in the early 1960s with paintings, drawings, and photgraphic books that focused on his fascination with the unique culture, vernacular, and sensibility of his adopted... czytaj dalej

Scanning Microscopy for Nanotechnology
W. Zhou Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) can be exploited not only for nanomaterials characterization but also integrated with new technologies for in-situ nanomaterials engineering and manipulation. "Scanning... czytaj dalej

French Affair
S. Lewis Wydawnictwo: inne

Some secrets are too devastating to be told... When Natalie Moore is killed in a freak accident in France her mother - the very poised and elegant Jessica - knows instinctively there is more to it. However... czytaj dalej

Anthony Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Text and Cases, 10/E is a 28 chapter book. Chapters 1-14 cover financial accounting, while Chapters 15-21 cover management accounting, and Chapters 22-28 focus on broader issues of control and corporate strategy... czytaj dalej

Rosen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fully revised and updated edition of the bestselling UNIX guide This expansive resource covers every aspect of UNIX--the fast-growing, open-source operating system. All existing chapters have been revised to... czytaj dalej

Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates
M. Wallace Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'A systematic, coherent approach to developing critical reading and writing skills that are applicable to a range of different levels of analysis and types of reading and writing tasks. The authors are to be... czytaj dalej

Dictionary & Introduction to Global Environmental Governance
R. Saunier Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Contains over 5000 terms, organizations, and acronyms * This practical tool should find a central place on the desk of anyone involved in the environmentThis unique dictionary of global environmental governance... czytaj dalej

Guide to Qualitative Field Research
C. Bailey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thoroughly revised, the Second Edition of A Guide to Field Research is designed to assist undergraduate students and other beginning field researchers in carrying out their first qualitative studies. Its rich... czytaj dalej