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Uta Barth
Higgs Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Barth works in extended series over a number of years. These have generic titles which reveal the rationale behind her work. 'Ground', used since 1994, explores backgrounds without the figures normally associated... czytaj dalej

M. A Gimenez Fuller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A beautifully produced monograph on one of the greatest sculptors of the twentieth century, comprising a critical essay, a superb selection of colour plates, and invaluable documentation of the artist's writings... czytaj dalej

Exercise Psychology
Buckworth,Dishman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Awareness of the importance of exercise and physical activity to long-term health has never been greater. Despite this, physical activity remains below recommended levels throughout the world. Exercise Psychology... czytaj dalej

True Stories of Heroes
Dowswell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Unforgettable stories about men and women whose extraordinary courage has captured the imagination of millions. From firefighters facing nuclear disaster to rescue teams coping with a fast-sinking ship, this... czytaj dalej

Check Your Vocabulary for Business
Riley Wydawnictwo: inne

Clear and easy-to-use, with full instructions and quick-reference contents page, make this resource ideal for both self-study and classroom use including teacher-directed group work. It includes teachers' notes... czytaj dalej

Gossip Girl 5 I Like It Like That
C. Ziegesar Wydawnictwo: inne

It's the Spring break and love is in the air. Or is that a blend of Chanel No 9 and Gucci Rush? Blair moves in with Serena and they're back to being best friends. Nate is on the straight and narrow with his... czytaj dalej

Ergonomics & the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders
Sanders Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In order to treat work-related musculoskeletal disorders, occupational and physical therapists need to do more than take a patient history, examine the worker, and perform laboratory tests. They must also... czytaj dalej

Adoption in India
V. Bhargava Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Adoption in India" researches child adoption in India and challenges prevalent theories of adoption. It is the only book of its kind to lend a voice to adopted children and shares the narratives... czytaj dalej

Perpetual Motion
G. Gibson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Set in southern Ontario in the late nineteenth century, at a time when the machine age was coming into its own, Perpetual Motion chronicles the fortunes of settler Robert Fraser, a man obsessed with power and... czytaj dalej

Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry
Benjamin Sadock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thoroughly updated for its Third Edition, this popular quick-reference handbook remains a staple for medical students on psychiatric rotations as well as psychiatric residents and practitioners. In an easy-to-scan... czytaj dalej