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New Product Development
M. Brooke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

New Product Development will help companies overcome an expensive and common weakness: the lack of adequate new product development. This vital book examines the requirements of new product development in detail... czytaj dalej

Puzzles & Essays from "The Exchange"
C. Anderson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Anderson presents the queries and eventual findings of public library reference librarians writing to 'The Exchange' column of the RQ and RUSQ, the official journal of the Reference and User Services division... czytaj dalej

Macular Edema
Thomas Wolfensberger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This timely publication fills a large gap in the ophthalmic literature which has so far lacked a monograph on the clinically very important subject of macular edema. The book presents the most up-to-date scientific... czytaj dalej

George W Bush Presidency
F. Greenstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presidential scholar Fred I. Greenstein brings together a distinguished group of experts to offer an early analysis of the George W. Bush presidency. The authors begin with a look at George W. Bush in the context... czytaj dalej

Global Eighteenth Century
Nussbaum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Historians have generally come to accept the idea of a "long eighteenth century," one that extended from circa 1660 to 1830. Felicity A. Nussbaum and the contributors to this volume take this idea... czytaj dalej

Establishing the Rules of the Game
L. Massicotte Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There are an astonishing variety of election laws across contemporary democratic societies. In Establishing the Rules of the Game, Louis Massicotte, André Blais, and Antoine Yoshinaka provide the first thorough... czytaj dalej

Who Cares? Women's Work Childcare & Welfare State Redes
J. Jenson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

By focussing on child care and systematically comparing national experiences in Belgium, France, Italy, Sweden, and the European Union, Who Cares? provides an enormous amount of information on recent child... czytaj dalej

All About Adoption
A. Lanchon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written with candour and humour, the "Sunscreen" series offers preteens and teens advice on the topics that interest them most in a compact, highly illustrated paperback that fits conveniently in... czytaj dalej

Left for Dead
J. Hovde Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jon Hovde's journey begins with despair and the struggle to stay alive and ends with hope and the inspiration to live. As a twenty-year-old soldier in Vietnam, Hovde lost an arm and a leg when the armored personnel... czytaj dalej

Genetic Models in Cardiorespiratory Biology
T. Xu Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume focuses on breakthroughs in genetic analysis and manipulation. It details how genetic model systems facilitate better comprehension of mammalian and human biology and disease, and highlights studies... czytaj dalej