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Resilient Physician
W. Sotile Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Physicians today may face more stress than any other group of professional. Long hours, continual training, and constant change in their personal lives and in the medical workplace only complicate their already... czytaj dalej

Game Development with Lua
M. Manyen Wydawnictwo: inne

Lua 5.0 is an open-source, freeware scripting language. It is gaining popularity in the world of game development, because of the power and ease with which it can control complex GUIs and artificial intelligence... czytaj dalej

Hoorah for the Bra
C. Berry Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It was in 1914 that Mary Phelps Jacob set women free - from the prison of the corset. With a little help from her lady's maid, this ingenious New York socialite stitched together two handkerchiefs and a long... czytaj dalej

ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis v 2
Mitchell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The most commonly used spatial statistical tools are described in detail along with their applications in a range of disciplines, from crime analysis to habitat conservation. GIS users will learn how features... czytaj dalej

Contemporary Issues in & User Computing
M. Mahmood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Contemporary Issues in End User Computing brings a wealth of end user computing information to one accessible location. This collection includes empirical and theoretical research concerned with all aspects... czytaj dalej

Cyprus TSK 3e
V. Maric Wydawnictwo: angielskie

While the coast calls to sun seekers and clubbers, inland is a haven of traditional villages, medieval castles and impressive ancient sites. Connect with the real Cyprus with this definitive guide. Out... czytaj dalej

Privatization & Labor Responses & Consequences in Global Per
Posusney Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'. . . this book makes a significant contribution to the debate about controversial privatisation issues and industrial policy responses to them. . . Privatization and Labor is an engaging and informative analysis... czytaj dalej

Environmental Taxes
Kalle Maatta Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Environmental taxes differ from each other according to the functions they serve and the manner in which they are implemented. This study highlights the appropriateness of different kinds of environmental taxes... czytaj dalej

Medieval Clothing and Textiles v.2
Robin Netherton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Historical dress and textiles, always a topic of popular interest, has in recent years become an academic subject in its own right, transcending traditional genre boundaries. This annual journal includes in-depth... czytaj dalej

Podatek dochodowy od osób prawnych 2008
Marciniuk Janusz (red.) Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Zakupienie prezentowanego komentarza zapewni Czytelnikowi zdobycie szczegółowej wiedzy z zakresu podatku dochodowego od osób prawnych. Gwarantuje to uporządkowana struktura tekstu, powoływane orzecznictwo oraz... czytaj dalej