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Incredible Present
H. Castor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This series combines good stories with easy reading text, and is intended for readers who have just started reading alone.... czytaj dalej

2nd Chance
J. Patterson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Master of suspense James Patterson takes us into a terrifying underworld with this second thriller in his dazzling new Women's Murder Club series When a little girl is shot on the steps of a San Francisco church... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Computing
S. Collin Wydawnictwo: inne

With over 11,000 entries providing contemporary coverage of computing terms, this fully revised edition of 'Dictionary of Computing' provides coverage of the terms used in computing, including hardware, software... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Environment & Ecology
P. Collin Wydawnictwo: inne

This dictionary has been revised to include the definitions of over 9000 terms from all aspects of ecology and environmental fields, including climate, pollution, waste disposal and energy conservation.... czytaj dalej

Doing Business with Croatia
C. Reuvid Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This second edition of Doing Business with Croatia provides a clear and accurate breakdown of all significant areas of the market and gives an up-to-date account of the countrys business potential in general... czytaj dalej

Secure Online Business Handbook
C. Reuvid Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Published in association with the Institute of Directors ... czytaj dalej

Total E-mail Marketing
Chaffey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

With a practical focus, this handbook presents a complete guide to maximizing the range and impact of e-mail marketing techniques. It analyses where e-mail marketing works and where it shouldn't be used, and... czytaj dalej

Bulletproof Wireless Security
Chandra Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Finally--a single volume guide to really effective security for both voice and data wireless networks! More and more data and voice communications are going via wireless at some point between the sender and... czytaj dalej

Laceys of Liverpool
M. Lee Wydawnictwo: Orion

Vivacious Alice Lacey couldn't be more different from her sister in law, the bitter, ambitious Cora. Alice is married to John, Cora to his hapless younger brother, Billie. Both women give birth to sons on one... czytaj dalej

Cap or the Price of a Life
R. Frister Wydawnictwo: Orion

In this biography, Roman Frister tells the story of his metamorphosis: from happy child to merciless concentration camp prisoner, from branded to life-thirsty lover and bohemian, who never again will let life... czytaj dalej