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Oral Anticoagulants
L. Poller Wydawnictwo: inne

Warfarin and related drugs have been used for over a half a century in prevention and treatment of thrombotic disorders. Only recently, however, has their clinical role been firmly established by randomized... czytaj dalej

Smarter Outsourcing
R. Morgan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Outsourcing is now a central issue for companies large and small, and the market size goes on expanding. But, few executives really understand how to go about deciding what should be outsourced, how to do it... czytaj dalej

Introducing Organizational Behaviour & Management
D. Knights Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This eagerly awaited new textbook from David Knights and Hugh Willmott explores the key topics of introductory OB courses but addresses them in a distinctive way by: Centralizing students' experience #8211;... czytaj dalej

Global Development of Organic Agriculture
N. Halberg Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Agriculture and food systems, including organic agriculture, are undergoing a technological and structural modernisation strongly influenced by growing globalisation. Organic agricultural movements can be seen... czytaj dalej

Britain's Secret War (M-a-A #431)
W. Fowler Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing Ltd.

The #8216;Confrontation#8217; between Malaysia and Indonesia in Bornew 20/1/2006 the war against Indonesian raids across a 900-mile border in some of the world#8217;s worst jungle terrain #8211; eventually... czytaj dalej

America Latina
Rousso-Lenoir Wydawnictwo: inne

A blend of cultures, religions, languages, and histories, latin america is a fascinating continent. A source of both pleasure and knowledge, this richly illustrated volume goes to the common sources and links... czytaj dalej

Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases
Laskaris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on the best-selling hardcover edition, the new edition of the Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases provides complete information on the diagnosis and treatment of oral disease. Featuring 367 vivid color photographs... czytaj dalej

Colorectal Tumors
T. Tot Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Large-section histopathology widens your perspectives...Correct diagnosis and staging are essential in determining the appropriate therapy of colorectal carcinoma, one of the most common malignancies in America... czytaj dalej

Pocket Atlas of Acupuncture
Hempen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The PA of Acupuncture provides the reader with a brief overview of the history of acupuncture in China and Europe, it describes the underlying principles of Chinese medicine and how it differs from Western... czytaj dalej

Color Atlas of Pharmacology
Lullmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Updated with the most important new substances and scientific developments, the third edition of The Color Atlas of Pharmacology makes it easier than ever for students, nurses, and practicing physicians to... czytaj dalej