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Late Transition Metal Polymerization Catalysis
B. Rieger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Even some fifty years after their discovery, transition metals have lost none of their fascination. The use of complex compounds in these elements has not only revolutionized synthesis in the laboratory, but... czytaj dalej

Jean Prouve Complete Works
Sulzer Wydawnictwo: inne

Jean Prouve (1901-1984) was one of the most renowned design engineers of the 20th century. This volume, the second in Birkhauser's 4-volume edition of Prouve's Complete Works, covers the period between 1934... czytaj dalej

North South
A. Hutte Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The North has always held special fascination to artists: stark, inhospitable landscapes; tundras, moors and glaciers; rocks and ice; silence and solitude. From Caspar David Friedrich#8217;s Wreck of Hope to... czytaj dalej

Modelling of Power System Components
Murty Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Modelling of Power System Components is a prerequisite course for the study of Power System Analysis, Operation and control. Models for several electric power network components are not readily available for... czytaj dalej

Picasso in His Posters Image & Work v.4 Classified Bibliog
Luis Carlos Rodrigo Wydawnictwo: inne

The poster acquired the category of art at the end of the nineteenth century in Europe and later in the United States. Major museums and private institutions in this latter country and in Germany, France and... czytaj dalej

First Eagle
T. Hillerman Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

When Acting Lt. Jim Chee catches a Hopi poacher huddled over a butchered Navajo Tribal police officer, he has an open-and-shut case--until his former boss, Joe Leaphorn, blows it wide open. Now retired from... czytaj dalej

Bilateral Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific
S. Urata Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Asia-Pacific region has witnessed a rapid rise in bilateral preferential trade agreements at the beginning of the twenty-first century. This trend could have potentially dramatic effects on the trading... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Islam
Netton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This "Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilization and Religion" provides scholarly coverage of the religion, culture and history of the Islamic world, at a time when that world is undergoing considerable... czytaj dalej

Polish-Jewish Relations During Second World War
Ringelblum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Polish-Jewish Relations during the Second World War is one of the most important documents produced during the period of the Holocaust. Composed of the reflections and observations of Emmanuel Ringelblum (1900-1944)... czytaj dalej

Super-Mini American Idioms
R. Spears Wydawnictwo: angielskie

NTC's Super-Mini American Idioms Dictionary is a handy guide to the idioms heard everyday in the United States. This up-to-date volume contains more than 1,500 of the most commonly used clichés, proverbs, and... czytaj dalej