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Moja wina bo tańczyłem cza-czę
Guillermo Cabrera Infante Wydawnictwo: Muza

W wydawnictwie MUZA ukazała się równie rewelacyjna powieść tego kubańskiego autora: Ona śpiewała bolera. Guillermo Cabrera Infante jest dziś uznawany za jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców... czytaj dalej

Blackstone's Guide the Employment Equality Regulations 2003
N. Marco Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Blackstone's Guide Series is a well established series of practical guides to the latest new legislation. The Guides all contain a full copy of the Act together with commentary on the effects, extent and... czytaj dalej

MDA Distilled
Stephen Mellor Wydawnictwo: inne

The Object Management Group (OMG) has forwarded the cause of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) as a more effective means of building software. In this new book, object technology experts demystify the intricacies... czytaj dalej

Intifada Hits the Headlines
Dor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this nuanced and detailed study of newspaper reports during the escalation of the second Intifada in the fall of 2000, Daniel Dor shows how reality is subject to distortion and manipulation by the media... czytaj dalej

Reptile Journalism
Dobroszycki Wydawnictwo: brak danych

As Dobroszycki, who left Poland in 1969 and is a historian at Yeshiva University in New York City, verifies in his seminal study, the term ``reptile journalism,'' coined in 19th century Prussia, perfectly expresses... czytaj dalej

Daniel Hollander Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Explores the mechanisms of action of sucralfate, a novel compound that acts as a nonsystemic agent capable of successfully treating peptic disease. Highlighting the immense value of worldwide cooperation in... czytaj dalej

Excellent Dissertations
P. Levin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This will be the fourth of our Student-Friendly Guides. They are short books providing accessible information on core topics for students. The guides can be used as counterparts to weightier study skills texts... czytaj dalej

World Food Portugal 1e
Lynelle Scott-Aitken,Clara Vitorino Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Buy all 3 and save! A TASTE OF PORTUGAL Portugal + Portuguese phrasebook + World Food Portugal Put simply, if you love food, you'll love Portugal. In your hands is the definitive guide to eating in Portugal... czytaj dalej

Netter Anatomy Chart Vascular System of Upper Extremity & Lo
Netter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Incomparable accuracy and clarity of Netter medical illustrations found in Netter#8217;s best-selling ATLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY, Third Edition have now been #8220;super-sized#8221; for accelerated learning in... czytaj dalej

Natural Gas & Geopolitics
D. Victor Wydawnictwo: brak danych

By most estimates, global consumption of natural gas - a cleaner-burning alternative to coal and oil - will double by 2030. However, in North America, Europe, China, and South and East Asia, which are the areas... czytaj dalej